“Thanks, PJ,” I said. “Can I get you anything?”

“Yeah, can you call my husband and tell him I’m all right? His number is in my things at the hotel.”

Nate, Jackson, and I all looked at each other in total shock. We had absolutely no idea she was married. The way she had handled herself throughout our whole job it was impossible to have known she had a husband. She was really good at keeping secrets I thought to myself. But I figured that was part of her job with the CIA.

“I did not see that coming,” Nate said as he laughed.

Jackson and I also laughed until we looked down and saw that PJ wasn’t doing very well. She looked like she was having a hard time staying conscious. I held onto her hand while Nate continued to put pressure on the wound. We weren’t going to let anything bad happen to her. There was no way she was going to die on our watch, that was for sure.

“I’ve got this, guys,” the guy driving the boat said as he drove the boat out of the water and turned it into the vehicle again. “We are only five minutes away from the hospital. Keep her awake,” he said like he knew exactly what he was talking about.

By the time we reached the hospital, Nate and Jackson had PJ up in their arms and were ready to get out of the vehicle the second we stopped. The boat driver opened the door hinged at the back of the boat and lowered the stairs so the guys could get her out of the boat.

The rest of us waited patiently as we tried to decide what we should do. I looked at Chase as he sat next to Ana and I could tell that he didn’t know what to do next, either. Ana was rocking back and forth and didn’t seem to even know we were there with her.

Many of the girls were rocking and talking to themselves in languages that I didn’t understand. It was then that I started to realize these girls were not going to be all right. At least, not right away they weren’t.

What were we supposed to do with all these girls? Where were we supposed to take them? Some of them looked really sick and probably should have stayed at the hospital, but I didn’t know what the rules were about people being in the country illegally. We really needed PJ to tell us what to do, she was the one who worked with these girls all the time. She was the one that could tell us.

After about five minutes, Nate came out of the hospital. He raised the stairs in the back of the boat and gave an address to the driver. The duck boat wasn’t the most inconspicuous of vehicles in the world, but it would do well enough to get us where we needed to go.

“PJ gave me the location of their safe house. There will be agents there ready to greet us and take the girls off our hands. They will be tied up in red tape for a while, but they will be taken care of.”

I felt a sense of relief at the news the girls were going to be taken care of. Although our goal was to get Ana out of Stephano’s grip, there were so many other girls who were also there. It was exciting to know that we were going to help them, as well. I couldn’t imagine what these women were going to have to go through as they started to put their lives back together. But no matter what they went through, I knew it would be better than continuing to live with Stephano.

When we pulled up to the warehouse, the girls started to line up and get off the vehicle to go inside. But when I looked over at Ana, she was sitting on the floor by the back of the boat and refused to move. She continued to rock and was curled up in a ball with her arms around her legs. It was clear that she was out of it and wasn’t going to be going anywhere anytime soon.

“I don’t know what to do. She’s not going to get up,” Chase said to Nate.

“Does she have to go in there? Jordan is going to want to see her,” Nate said.

I agreed with Nate. I didn’t think that Ana belonged in that building with the rest of the girls. Chase and Jordan had money and they could get Ana a good lawyer to help figure out her citizen stuff. They could also get her into a treatment program so she could get the help she needed to recover from all the drugs she had been taken and the counseling she would need form everything else she endured. There was no doubt in my mind that Ana needed to go with us to see Jordan.

“I don’t want to do anything illegal,” Chase said as both of the men looked at her.

I walked over to the steps and started to pull them up. I didn’t care if it was illegal or not. We hadn’t worked that hard to get Ana just to force her into some warehouse with people who didn’t know her or care about her. We weren’t turning her over to the government and that was the end of the story.

After everything had been completed at the warehouse, we drove back to the boat tour place and there was a van there that the guys had left. Since Ana wouldn’t move, Nate picked her up and carried her off the boat and into the van. She seemed comfortable with him and I saw him whispering to her and trying to comfort her as he made his way into the back of the van. She held on tight to him and looked up at him like he was her one and only savior.

Ana seemed to like Nate and held onto him tightly as Chase drove us back to the hotel. I didn’t know what all Ana had been through over the last few weeks, but I suspected it was pretty horrible. I also suspected that things were going to get really bad for her once her body started to withdraw from the drugs she had been taking.

When we reached the hotel, Nate again carried Ana as we went in the back entrance. The guys decided we shouldn’t use the elevator, so we took the stairs up to the third floor where our rooms were located.

I kept looking back at Nate as he carried Ana up the three flights of stairs. He was being sweet to her and whispering something in her ear again as he carried her. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and her head resting on his chest. It was a sweet sight to see Nate being so kind.

Since I had met Nate originally, he seemed so much like a jerk. He was flirting with me and PJ so much on that first night and acting like a bit of a chauvinist pig. I was surprised to see how kind he was with Ana and just how good of a guy he really was. He obviously had been showing off and trying to play the ladies man before. But there, with Ana, he was a perfect gentleman.

When we got to the third floor we knocked on Chase and Jordan’s room. The anticipation was killing me as we waited for Jordan to open the door. When Jordan opened the door, she was already crying as she reached out to Ana and grabbed her. Jordan was crying so hard that it was hard to understand what she was saying.

“Ana, Ana, you’re okay. Oh, my God. You’re okay,” she said as she wrapped her arms around Ana and pulled her out of Nate’s arms.

Nate let Ana go, but he stayed close to make sure she was strong enough to stand up by herself. Ana looked confused and out of it, but as she stood up, she looked at Nate and then toward me and back to Jordan. It took her some time to figure out that Jordan was real. The moment was real. Then Ana wrapped her arms around Jordan and the two girls collapsed to the ground in tears.

I couldn’t understand what they were saying to each other, it sounded like they were speaking in German, but I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that the day had ended happily and we had just delivered Ana to her friend who had been worried and looking for her for months.

“Should we give them space?” Chase said as he looked at Nate and I.

“Yep,” Nate said. “See, Ana, I promised you it would be worth it.”