I didn’t wait to see what was said next and started to sprint up to the house.

“This is the last girl,” Chase said as he helped a wobbly girl down the grass toward the boat.

“Get PJ and get out,” I said to Nate as he ran up behind me after dropping off the girl he had been carrying.

“I’m not leaving without Roxanne,” PJ said.

“Get the fuck down stairs. I don’t know what the hell the two of you are up to, but I’m not going to have any more of this,” the guard said as he led Roxanne back down the stairs with the gun held to her back.

Nate and I ducked down behind the couch as PJ stood by the kitchen and waited for them.

“What are you doing? Why are you out here?” the guard said as he looked at PJ.

Then out of the blue, Roxanne ducked down and PJ swung her leg in the air and landed her foot right square on the jaw of the guard. I expected him to go down to the ground after a hit like that, but he didn’t. Instead, he raised his gun and shot PJ.

I hesitated as I watched the scene, but luckily, Nate didn’t hesitate at all. He shot the security guard in the head. We both moved quickly over to PJ to assess what had happened.

“Where did it hit you?” I asked.

“Shoulder, I’m good. Is Roxanne okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“We need to get out of here,” I said as I looked at Nate. “I’ve got her. You check the rooms to make sure we didn’t miss anyone.”

I wrapped PJ’s arm around my shoulder and Roxanne held onto her other side as we made our way down to the boat. I could feel PJ’s blood as it poured from her body onto mine and I knew we needed to get her medical attention right away.

“What’s your gunshot protocol? Where can we take you?” I asked.

“Anywhere is fine, we will figure out the logistics of it later,” she said with a smile.

We were getting ready to leave when we saw Nate carrying another girl down the grass toward the boat.

“She was hiding under a bed,” he said.

The girl was crying uncontrollably. As Nate set the girl down in the boat, Ana went over to her and tried to calm the girl. Then, Roxanne joined her as they both tried to calm the girl and soothe her crying.

“Let’s get out of here, George,” I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder. “I’m damn glad you were here.”

“Best night of my life. I can’t wait to explain to my partners why there is blood all over our boat.”

“You can’t tell them the truth,” I said.

“Oh, don’t worry, they wouldn’t believe me if I did tell them the truth. I think of some outlandish story to tell them.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


I couldn’t believe we were in the boat and we had made it out of Stephano’s alive. I was worried, though, and I moved from the girl tha

t was crying over to PJ. Nate was holding pressure on her wound and I sat down beside her and held her hand.

“You’re pretty damn good at your job,” I said as I squeezed her hand.

“You know if you ever want a job with the agency, I can put a good word in for you,” she said.

I was shocked and looked up at Jackson to see if he had heard the same thing I had just heard. He raised one of his eyebrows and smiled in agreement. It was a sweet offer, but I was pretty sure the CIA wasn’t looking for girls like me to work for them.