I started with his lips and then made my way down one side of his neck and then the other. My hands rested on his chest as I slowly and deliberately kissed him all over. His skin tasted salty on my tongue, but I could still smell his scent through his sweat. My hands tingled with the touch of his skin under me and for a moment, I wondered how much longer I would get to keep him.

Sooner or later, our job would be done and Jackson would move on. I would have to move on, as well. It wasn’t something we talked about and I certainly didn’t want to bring it up. But there was the thought in the back of my head of what I would do when he moved on. It was the whole reason I kept my walls up in the first place, to avoid getting hurt.

He didn’t move from his spot and didn’t rush to grab a hold of me. His hands stayed by his side and he just watched me as I kissed him. Every now and again, he kissed me back when my lips made their way back up to his lips.

“I haven’t always been good,” he said as he finally gripped my face in his hands and looked at me.

“Neither have I,” I whispered.

Our passion built quickly as our tongues intertwined. I didn’t want our night to end. If tomorrow never came and instead we spent the rest of our lives alone in that bed, it would have been enough for me.

It was a sappy emotional thought, and I didn’t know why it had come to my mind. Certainly, I wanted more in my life than to just be there in bed with Jackson. But the point was, I was so happy with him. It actually scared me to death just how happy I felt.

My body felt at ease around him and I couldn’t describe that feeling quiet right. There was an easiness between us. No need to pretend anymore, no need to be someone who we weren’t. I trusted I could be myself with him and he could be himself with me. That night in bed with Jackson had to of been the best night of my entire life. Not because of the sex, although that was very good, it was the best because of the emotional connection I felt.

As we continue to kiss, Jackson made his move to progress things a little further along. I suspected after our first round together that he was going to want to prove himself to me. No man liked it when he came so quickly.

His hands gripped my waist and lifted me up as I reached down and grabbed his manhood and pulled it toward my center. As he lowered my body, I wrapped around him and felt his thrust into me. My body wanted more and more of him as we intertwined ourselves together in perfect balance.

The intimate feeling of having his arms wrapped around me while we sat in the bed was a new experience for me. I wrapped mine around his neck and held on tight as our bodies moved gently together. Every inch of skin touched him and I felt emotions like I had not experienced during sex before.

I tucked my face into the small of his neck as my pelvis thrust against his and I felt my body loving every second of my time with him. This is lovemaking, I thought. It was what I imagined happy couples around the world did when they had each other in bed. It wasn’t something I was familiar with, but instead a lovemaking I had imagined for years and years.

This was what people did when they loved someone and wanted to be with them. I felt a tear start to fall down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away. I was fucking crying while making love to a man! It was crazy to think that my emotions were going wild like that. Never in my entire life would I have thought I would have such an emotional reaction.

To be honest, throughout my life, I couldn’t even remember liking a man as much as I liked Jackson. Sure, I had liked guys before, but not to the point that I wanted to do everything right and make sure they stuck around. I didn’t know what was coming over me, but it felt weird and unusual.

As our bodies moved together, I felt the satisfaction of an orgasm developing. Jackson held onto my hips tight and pressed me down against his organ as his body also started to get close to release.

Then, in perfect timing, his mouth found mine and I felt his body release. His thrusting sent my body over the edge and I moaned out louder than I had expected.

“Oh, yes!” I vocalized as the strength of my orgasm surprised me.

There was something primal about the emotions I was feeling and the release my body felt. Everything about our night was so new to me. Not that making love to a man was new, I had plenty of experience there. But making love to a man who I had some emotional connection to was something I hadn’t experienced to the same level as we had together.

Jackson reached up and covered my mouth as an instant reaction to how loud I was. His hand over my mouth only served to drive my orgasm deeper and my feeling like screaming louder and louder.

“Oh come on, you two! Go to sleep,” I heard Chase say from his room.

Jackson and I laughed as we looked at the wall that separated our two rooms. I could only imagine him and Jordan in there listening to our night. It had to be the weirdest thing to hear people you knew screwing in the room next to you.

“You’re going to have fun with Chase and Nate tomorrow.” I giggled.

“They won’t let me live it down, I’m sure.”

“Nate is really funny. I’m surprised he doesn’t have a wife. No offense, but Chase is kind of boring.”

“Chase is boring,” Jackson agreed and laughed. “But he’s in charge of our father’s business and I guess that just requires a bit of boringness. Nate is on the road a lot. He’ll settle down when he stops taking contract work. He does have a nice cabin outside of Atlanta that he goes to on his off time. But there isn’t anyone around for miles, so I guess it’s hard for him to meet women when he’s home.”

“Tell me about your other brothers. You have two more?” I asked as I cuddled next to Jackson again.

“Yep, the oldest is George. He’s got two kids who are graduating from high school this year and next year. I doubt he’ll stay married after they’re gone. It’s not a happy marriage. Then there is our brother Jeremiah, he’s sort of famous.”

I perked up at the idea that one of the Foster brothers was famous. So far, none of them struck me as the kind of guys who even liked to be around people. They were certainly all handsome enough to be famous, but they all chose jobs that kept them out of the public eye.

Actually, Jackson and Nate’s jobs kept them so far out of the public eye that they were behind closed doors or hidden most of the time. They both worked to protect people and the lifestyles that people hired them to do. Nate was out in public, sort of, as when he protected people, he went with them. But he wasn’t visible in the sense that people actually realized he was there. Most of the information I knew about private security people was that they tried to hide in plain sight.

Jackson certainly didn’t make himself visible, at all. He had been hiding away in Italy for the last few years and taking jobs that he could do mostly from his home. He seemed to thrive when he was away from people and not out in front of them. I couldn’t wait to meet Jeremiah and see what he was like.