As I made my way back to my room, I could still hear the guys in Chase’s room. They didn’t sound like they were working. It sounded more like a college frat house. I was almost going to knock on the door and tease them to keep it down, but I decided against it. Instead, I made my way to my room and started the warm shower water.

There was something so relaxing about taking a shower in a hotel. You could stand under the warm water for hours and it would never go cold. That was my kind of shower. The warmth of the water and the pressure of the shower head was just what I needed to wash away all the stress of the last few days.

I couldn’t have imagined where my life would be if I had thought about it a week before. There was nothing in my life that I thought would change so quickly as when Chase and Jackson came into my club. I was so grateful for the turn of events and really couldn’t stop worrying about if I was going to do them proud and made a difference in the search for Ana.

I had barely been in the shower when I heard a loud thud against the wall. I ran over toward the door and looked out the peephole and didn’t see anything. It was eerily quiet over in Chase’s room and I got a little freaked out.

Quickly, I wrapped myself in a towel and went out into the hallway. I was just about to knock on Chase’s door when I heard the three men as they started to laugh uncontrollably. Relief flushed through my body – well, it did for about a second until I realized I had locked myself out of my room.

My body was freezing in the hallway and I wasn’t about to stand there naked and wrapped in a towel. So, reluctantly, I knocked on Chase’s door. It was a much better option than running all the way downstairs to the front desk in just my tiny towel.

As Chase opened the door, I started to talk before he could say a word. I didn’t want to hear any comments about my towel, or my body, I just needed him to call downstairs and have someone come up and open my door.

“I’m locked out. Can you just call downstairs and have someone come up with a key? Thank you.

I walked back over to my door, right next to Chase’s, and refused to look at him, although I could tell the door to his room was still opened. I was just going to stand in front of my door until someone came to open it.

The embarrassment of the moment started to show on my cheeks though and I felt them turning red. It was ironic how I could take my clothes of in a strip club and not be embarrassed, yet standing in a hallway totally covered in a towel had me looking embarrassed.

“Do you want to come in and wait?” Chase asked.

“Nope. Just call, please. I’ll wait here.”

I waited and the door was still open. But I heard Chase on the phone as he asked for someone to come let me in. I peeked over at his room and saw he had put a shoe in the door to keep it from closing all the way.

“She can wait in my room,” Nate said. “Where’s my damn key?”

“No,” I heard Jackson say.

“Oh, so you are boning her?” Nate asked.

“The door is open, you two,” Chase added as a reminder for them to shut up.

I had to laugh. The three of them together were pretty damn funny. I suspected their childhood was probably a giant succession of them yelling and beating each other up. I bet their mother was exhausted from yelling at them all the time.

“Are you naked?” Nate said as he peeked out the door.

“No.” I laughed. “Are you disappointed?”

“Yes, let me hold that towel for you.”

“I think I’ll keep it,” I joked.

Nate was actually a lot of fun to be around. He looked a lot like Jackson, but Jackson didn’t have nearly the same personality. He was much more subdued and serious all the time. I wasn’t sure he even knew how to have fun. I think the closest I could remember of him smiling was when I took a picture of him naked in our first hotel room and he chased after me. That had been really funny.

“Will you please leave her alone, Nate? She’s not interested,” Jackson said as he pulled Nate back

into the room. “Do you need a blanket or anything?” Jackson asked as opened the door but stayed in the room.

“No, I’m all right.”

“Do you want to come in here and wait? I promise Nate will behave himself,” Jackson said and then I heard him demand that Nate obey the order to behave. “Nate, I swear to God, I’ll clock you if you disrespect her again.”

“Chase, how long did they say before they will be here?” I asked.

“Just a couple of minutes.”

“Jackson, come here,” I said.