“So, basically, I just tell him I want to sell you?” Nate asked.

“No, maybe say you ordered me online and I’ve been acting up and not listening. You don’t want to deal with me anymore. I’ll pretend not to speak English, or maybe just a little. Before we know it, they will have me in the room with Ana and I can plan our escape. I’ll bring a small pistol and knife with me.”

“I like this plan,” Jordan said as color rushed back into her face.

Actually, I liked the plan as well. PJ was much better equipped to fight off the bad guys than Jordan or Roxanne were. Plus, it wouldn’t take much to make her look like a young Russian girl.

“Well, let’s get started then,” PJ said as she made her way to the door. “Jordan, come with me to my room. Roxanne, you come, too. I have questions for you.”

Chapter Fourteen


PJ was starting to grow on me. I did think it was pretty suspicious that Jackson found the most beautiful woman in the CIA to come and work with us. But it looked like that plan was starting to be a good one. She would make a great decoy to send into Stephano’s world and I was a little happy that it was going to be her instead of me.

I wanted to help get Ana back, but I didn’t want to risk my life.

“So, why is the CIA involved in these cases?” I asked as the three of us made it to PJ’s room.

“It’s a long story, but basically, the women are coming from hundreds of different countries and sometimes bringing weapons and drugs in with them. We work very closely with the DEA and the FBI.”

I paused for a long time as I tried to wrap my brain around what she said. It seemed odd to me that so many agencies were involved, yet it was so easy for women to be bought and sold. I wanted to ask more questions, but I figured I should play nice with her. She was a federal agent, after all.

“Thanks for explaining that. I feel like all those initials are hard to keep track of, but basically, everyone is working together to try to keep the women safe?”

“Yep,” PJ said and then focused her attention on Jordan. “Do you have a picture of your friend?”

Jordan pulled a picture of Ana out of her purse and I gasped when I saw her. She looked so beautiful in that picture, nothing like how she had looked when I had known her.

“What?” Jordan said.

“She doesn’t look like that now. She has lost a lot of weight. Her skin is really pale and she has dark circles under her eyes. I suspect she’s probably only about one hundred pounds by now and she’s tall, so it looks like she’s a skeleton. She still had some curves on her when she was at my house, but if she’s still not eating well, then I’d bet she’s even thinner.”

“Yeah, I guess I don’t have any recent pictures,” Jordan said as tears started.

“It’s all right. That picture was very helpful.”

“Should we get started on your makeup?” I said to try and change the subject a little. “We might need to test out a few different things to get you looking just right.”

“Sure,” PJ said. “What can you tell me about Stephano?”

I wanted to tell PJ everything I knew about Stephano, but I realized that it wasn’t actually as much as I thought. Sure, I had dealt with him a lot over the years, but I didn’t know all that much about him personally. He kept most of that stuff quiet and didn’t let people get very close to him. I did the best I could and told PJ what I thought she needed to know.

“Well, he likes a woman who is submissive. I’m not sure just how far you’re willing to take this acting job, but the more you are willing to give, the more he will like you. I’d bet even a kiss and a little rubbing of his pants would do just fine.”

I really didn’t know how much description I should go into for PJ. I didn’t know her well enough to know if it would offend her. But to win Stephano over, she was going to have to be a bit more sexual than a typical CIA agent. She was going to need to flirt with him and use her body to her advantage. A woman’s body was a powerful thing around a man like him.

“Is he going to want me to give him sex right away or will I be able to pretend to be shy?”

“Interesting point. I bet you could pretend to be a virgin. That would get him really excited and he would be extra sweet to you. That would be your best bet for sure.”

“Who else do you think he will have there, Roxanne? Are we talking one personal security guard or dozens of them?”

“I’m not really sure.”

It was the truth. I had no idea what Stephano had going on at his house lately. In the recent months before Chase, Jordan, and Jackson had come to town, I had been avoiding Stephano a lot. My independence was important, and I didn’t want to go to any of his parties or even talk to him if I could avoid it.

“Do you think he has more girls than just Ana there?” PJ asked as Jordan started to do her makeup.