“Well, probably one of many. I’d have to find out who the buyer is. But either way, it’s not going to work to try and buy her. What other plans are on the table?”

“We thought about breaking into Stephano’s house and taking her when he was gone,” I added.

The problem was my plan to break into Stephano’s house was a horrible one and I knew it. I really didn’t have any other good ideas and needed the input of PJ and Nate.

“What kind of security does he have?” Nate asked as he stared at PJ.

Nate was a ladies’ man for sure. He had no problem filling his ladies with wine and a good time and then moving on to the next woman who threw herself at him. That was the big difference between Nate and I. I didn’t sleep with every woman who threw herself at me.

“I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think he has any electronic security systems.”

“Oh, well, that’s just bad legwork, Jackson. He’s got to have something,” Nate said condescendingly.

“Actually, most people in the drug world and human trafficking don’t need electronic security systems. They use the lack of systems as a way to lure their enemies into their home. The person is killed on sight and either disposed of or turned over to authorities, if need be. It is ruled as a defensive measure, so they usually have video monitoring inside the house to prove that part of their defense,” PJ said as she addressed us all.

I could tell that her knowledge of security and confidence about the matter was a bit of a surprise to everyone in the room. But Roxanne and Jordan seemed the most surprised. They probably thought I had asked PJ to come help us simply because she was beautiful. But the truth was I knew PJ was really good at her job and I felt confident that she would be able to get our group onto the right path.

“So, what do you think? How would you suggest getting her out?” Jordan asked.

Jordan bounced her leg constantly as she sat in the chair in the corner of the room. I could tell she was horribly worried about her friend, and I hated that she didn’t have any final answers yet.

“Have you thought about trying to sell a girl?” PJ asked as she looked at Jordan and then back to me.

“What do you mean? Like bring another girl over and sell her? No, I couldn’t do that.”

“No, I mean like put a girl undercover so you had someone on the inside who could alert you and help you get Ana out,” PJ continued and she kept looking at Jordan.

“Absolutely not, I will not allow it,” Chase blurted out.

I could tell that he had caught on to what PJ was suggesting much quicker than Jordan had. He stood up and stood right in front of Jordan so we couldn’t even see her anymore. There was no doubt in my mind that Chase was not going to let Jordan go in undercover.

“I could do it,” Jordan said as she leaned around Chase.

“No, that’s the end of that. The answer is no.”

“Chase, if it means getting her out, I could do it.”

“Actually, I think it would be better if we had someone with a little more street training. How about you, Roxanne? Does Stephano know you?”

I worried that PJ was going to try and suggest that Roxanne worked for Stephano like she had said on the phone. My gut was tight as I observed the conversation and waited to hear what Roxanne responded with.

“Oh, yes, he knows me very well. I could probably get in the house, but the last time I was around him, he had me strangled. I only lived because Jackson was there. I don’t think I could go into his house alone,” Roxanne said as she lifted her neck and exposed her bruise. She had been hiding it well with makeup, but when her neck was lifted, you could see the outline of the bruising.

“I’ll do it,” Nate volunteered as he raised his hand. “I’ll be Olga, a fat and unattractive woman from the Czech Republic.”

Again, he had the whole group of us laughing as we imagined him in a dress and presenting himself to Stephano to be sold. It was a horrible image that I couldn’t get out of my head.

“I think Stephano is going to want someone a little more petite,” I told him.

“I could try. I mean, he likes me, he just didn’t like that he thought I was sleeping with Jackson,” Roxanne said as she looked at me and then at Chase.

I looked over at Chase and then quickly looked away. I knew exactly what he was thinking – even Stephano thought I was taking advantage of Roxanne. But I wasn’t taking advantage of her, I hadn’t don’t anything she didn’t want to do. We were both adults and we could decide for ourselves if we wanted to have naked fun or not. No one else was going to make that decision.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” PJ said as she talked with Roxanne. “Stephano will kill you if he thinks you’re trying to play him. What would be the cover story for going over there?”

“No, she’s not going,” I blurted out.

Chase smiled at me and how I had become so protective so quickly of Roxanne. It was very reminiscent of what he had just done with Jordan and I knew that, but there was no way in hell I was going to allow Roxanne to go to Stephano’s house.