“Maybe we should call Chase and have him come down and help you with this? It might be helpful to have another man go with you to met Stephano.”

“No need. I’ve got things covered. I have an old co-worker that’s with the CIA coming into town. PJ is highly skilled in trafficking cases and will get us the connections we need.”

“Oh, does this PJ know how dangerous Stephano is?” I asked, highly suspicious that anyone with the CIA knew a damn thing about Stephano.

“Yes, apparently the human trafficking division has had their eyes on Stephano for years. I think they are excited at the opportunity to catch him.”

Jackson was so naive when it came to Stephano. Sure, I believed that Jackson had probably dealt with a lot of bad guys when he was in the military. But even those guys followed some basic rules of combat. Stephano didn’t follow any rules.

“So, when is this person coming? Are they going to go with you to meet Stephano?”

“Why so many questions?” Jackson asked.

He seemed to be getting agitated with me, and I knew I needed to back off. I didn’t want him to think I was against his plan. I just wanted him to be safe. In the end, any plan that ended up getting Ana away from Stephano was a good plan and I was willing to look at everything. Unfortunately, I didn’t think Jackson was willing to consider any other plan than the one he was currently fixated on.

“You know I’m just trying to help. What can I do?”

Jackson thought about it for a moment and seemed to be pondering many different ideas as he tried to decide. I didn’t want to just be along for the ride. I knew Stephano well and I had a lot to offer the situation. I just wished that Jackson could see my worth and let me participate a little.

“I don’t know if we should use you much anymore. You are compromised now. Stephano knows something is up. His guys were in the hotel room.”

“Like I said, they just thought I was fucking you. They don’t know anything more than that. Don’t take me off the case. I really need this money.”

I felt the panic set in at the thought of not being able to finish the case with Jackson. I had thrown away my livelihood with Stephano. I needed the money that Chase had promised me if I was going to start a new life. I needed to help save Ana and get my $250,000; there was no way in hell I was going to go back to stripping and I certainly couldn’t go back to Stephano.

“It’s all right. I’ll tell Chase you finished the job,” Jackson said as he dismissed my worries.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I had just called Chase to bring him down to Miami. He was going to know for sure that I hadn’t done anything to help the case at all. In fact, my stupid actions had jeopardized the case. I felt sick to my stomach. I needed the money that had been promised to me. I had to figure out something so I could make good on the job.

I sat quietly and ate my breakfast while I contemplated what I could possibly do. I couldn’t let Jackson do everything, then I wouldn’t get any of the money. It was about more than just helping Ana – it was about helping save my own life. I couldn’t live the life I had before, I wanted so much more now.

“I’m going to go and meet with the CIA contact in a little bit. You will need to stay back at the motel. Do you understand?”

I hated what he was saying. Yes, I understood that he didn’t want to risk the job by letting me be involved anymore. I got exactly what he was saying. But I had to finish the job. I needed the money, and quite frankly, I thought that Jackson needed me in order to get the job done without getting himself killed.

“Sure,” I said to appease him.

I felt the life I had dreamed about slipping away from me. Jackson wasn’t going to let me be involved and Chase was going to be there soon and would see that I hadn’t done a damn thing to help save Ana. Sure, I had been strangled and they would feel bad about that, but I hadn’t felt like I had made a real contribution to the effort.

“It’s all right, Roxanne. I’m coming back,” Jackson said as he reached across the table and grabbed my hand.

My gut spun wit

h his touch, and I instantly wanted to be back in bed with him. But maybe that was why he didn’t want me to help with things anymore. Our relationship had been very physical in the last couple of days. I should have had better willpower, but it was so hard around him.

“Is it because we made out? Is that why you don’t want me to help?”

He started to laugh, and I had no idea what was going on. What had I said that was so funny?

“No, I liked that.”

“Then what is it? Why don’t you want me to help?”

He still chuckled a little as he held onto my hand and looked me in the eyes. His face seemed relaxed and calm. I really couldn’t read him, at all. Nothing seemed to get him worked up. The more chaos and danger around, the calmer Jackson seemed to be. I wished I could behave like that when craziness was going on around me.

“There is no reason, Roxanne. I just think it would be better if I went without you.”

“Well, that’s a reason, isn’t it?”