nd started the shower, but just as I was about to step in, I heard a knock at the door. It wasn’t the main door, though – it was the door that was between my room and Roxanne’s.

With a towel wrapped around me, I tried to hide my erect cock as I opened the middle door.

“Yes,” I said.

Her eyes widened as she looked at my bare chest, and I finally felt vindicated for her not chasing after me. The look she had at that moment said it all – she wanted me. Roxanne wanted me bad.

“I’m starving. Can I order something to eat?”

“You have a quarter of a million dollars and you're asking me?”

“Chase has to set up a new bank account for me to make sure that Stephano doesn’t have my information. He said it would be a few days before he could even deposit the fifty thousand dollars.”

“Sure, go ahead and order some food.”

I started to close the door and she put her hand out to stop me.

“Do you want me to order something for you, as well?”

It actually seemed like a pretty nice thing for her to offer. As much as I didn’t like her, I was starving and I certainly could use some food.

“Sure, a burger and fries would be great. I’m going to hop in the shower, and then I’ll come over.”

I closed the door behind me and made my way into the shower. I had some business I wanted to take care of and it required some alone time.

My shower lasted a little longer than normal, but it felt great to get some relief from the sexual tension that had built up inside of me since the night before. I could still feel Roxanne’s ass as it rubbed up against me and I wanted to get that feeling out of my memory. Or at least, get my mind to think about something different for a little bit.

I dried off from the shower and then made my way to my bed to grab the clothes I had set out.

“Jackson, are you coming?” I heard Roxanne say as the door between our rooms swung open.

It was too late to hide and there wasn’t anything to cover up with as I stood about four feet away from the bed. My naked body was exposed for her to see.

“I’ll be right there,” I said as I stood confidently in my nakedness. I watched as her eyes dart down to my cock while a smile flashed across her face. She was frozen in place as she drunk in my body. It was nice to see the admiration in her eyes. “Take a picture, it will last longer,” I teased.

Then without notice, Roxanne pulled her phone out of her back pocket and flashed a picture of my completely naked body!

Chapter Four


He’s naked.

Logically, I knew I should look away. I shouldn’t have been staring at his bare naked body like I was, but I couldn’t stop myself. Every muscle of his body was chiseled and firm. His cock was slightly hard and definitely sizable. I wanted to fall to my knees and wrap my lips around him, and I would have done it, if he weren't such a jerk.

Flashing a quick picture of him was just for fun, and I wouldn’t have done anything with it. Well, maybe a little playing under my sheets that night after dinner. But when Jackson started to run toward me to get the phone, I did what any normal person would do. I ran and hid in my room.

It was funny how serious he was about having his picture taken. It wasn’t like he was some sort of celebrity or anything like that. I had fun with him and hid my phone in my bra as I tucked myself behind the chair in my room.

I couldn’t stop laughing as he came over and stood above me and held his hand out like I was just going to hand over my cell phone to him. Didn’t he know how much those things cost? I surely wasn’t about to give it to him just because I took a picture of him naked. I’d rather just delete the damn thing and move on.

The serious look on his face said that he wasn’t amused at all by what was going on. Although, I suspected that he always had a serious look on his face. I had yet to see any sort of humor or even personality in the man.

“Give me the phone,” Jackson said firmly.

It scared me the way he said it. He didn’t see any humor in the situation at all and stood over me like he would have dragged me out from behind the chair if I hadn’t done as he asked. He was calm, but so firm in his statement that I held the phone up from where I was hiding near a chair. He stood only a few feet away from me in all his nakedness, and I watched as he ripped the phone open and pulled the battery out. He crushed the rest of the phone under his foot.

“Jesus Christ. Why did you do that? I would have deleted the picture.”