Roxy’s show was fantastic. She had to be racking in the money at the club. Her fans were all cheering and even new guys, like us, had instantly become fans. When it was time to finish her dance, thousands of dollars had been thrown onto the stage when the stagehands swept it up for her. I could see how the dancing lifestyle would be addictive for a woman. One dance and flirting with some guys and she had made around $1,000. Not to mention what she would make in the private lap dances that guys would buy from her during the rest of the evening.

The stage crew got ready for the next act and it was time for the waitresses to come around to the tables and make sure we had all that we needed. Our brunette waitress came to us first, likely because of the large tip I had already given her.

“You boys doing all right?”

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you so much. You know a friend of mine said he saw a dancer here named Ana a few weeks ago. Do you know what time she will be on?”

I could tell by the woman’s face that she knew Ana. Her look instantly went from pleasant and sultry to sad. Over the years, I had learned to read the slight changes in people’s faces to help me determine if they were telling me the truth or not.

“Ana doesn’t work here anymore. She only danced once, though.”

“Oh, that’s weird. Do you know where she is working now?”


The waitress turned and left so quickly I couldn’t even squeeze in another question. She knew more than she was letting on – I just needed to figure out what it was.

Another couple of dancers came and left the stage, and our waitress never came back to help us. I figured I had scared her off with my talk about Ana, but at least we knew we were in the right location.

“A thousand dollars and come with me to the private room. I’ll tell you about Ana.”

It was Roxy, the sexy red-haired dancer who had blown us all away on the stage just a little bit before. I didn’t question her at all. I grabbed a thousand dollars from Chase and followed Roxy as she started through the club toward the private rooms in the back.

As she grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd, I felt my body involuntarily react to her touch. It had been a really long time since a woman as sexy as she was had touched my hand or any other part of my body. Not that I hadn’t had plenty of women since Rose’s death, but none of them had been as spectacular to look at as this red-haired bombshell.

“What do you like?” Roxy asked me as we walked past some bouncers at the entrance to the rooms.

“Oh, anything you want to give me,” I said, as I played the part.

“I’ll give you a great time,” she said and then leaned over to the bouncer. “High roller, give me privacy.”

The bouncer nodded his understanding and then eyed me from head to toe. I must have passed his test, and he turned back toward the crowd rather quickly.

As Roxy shut the door behind us, she leaned in close to me and whispered, “Camera in the corner, play the part. No audio.”

I instantly grabbed her ass, and she pulled my hands off and guided me to the couch on the other side of the room. The touch of her body pressed up against mine had already engorged me. It was involuntary and nothing I could resist. It was going to be hard as hell to stay focused enough to ask her the questions I needed to.

The music was thumping an erotically slow sound and her touch was sensual. I needed information on Ana though, and I couldn’t risk losing the opportunity.

“Did you know Ana?” I asked as I sat back on the couch and let my arms rest on the back.

“Let’s get something straight. I’m not about to get involved in any of this. If you are actually trying to find Ana, I’ll help you. But you need to know that my name cannot be brought up

at all.”

She danced and moved in front of me while she talked, and the mix of seductive body movements and harsh conversation was surprisingly funny to me. I couldn’t help but smile and laugh.

“Oh, all right, Roxy. I’ll keep your name out of things. What do you know? Where can I find her?”

“My name is Roxanne, and it’s not that easy to find her. Stephano took her into hiding because he’s got a big buyer on the line for her.”

“So, he’s going to sell her? When?”

“I’m not sure. But she’s a sweet girl. She was my friend and I’d really like to help you find her. But Stephano will kill me if he knows I’m helping you.”

“He won’t know.”

Roxanne continued to dance seductively in front of me and then moved toward me and let her ass slide onto my lap. I played the part and tried to touch her again, just to let her push my hands away. I knew if they had cameras in the room, they expected that a high roller like me would want more than a lap dance.