
“Welcome to Miami International Airport,” the pilot said as our private jet landed.

I didn’t think flying could get any better than first class, but Chase certainly proved me wrong, by flying me to Italy right after everything went down with Jose Escabar and Ramos. We spent a week with his brother there. And then, Jackson insisted on coming back to the States with us to help find Ana.

“Babe, it’s time to go,” Chase said as he held my bag.

I had been distracted looking out the window at all the planes and how close we were to them. I couldn’t imagine ever getting used to flying on a private jet all the time. It seemed so surreal to me.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” I teased as I finally got up from the lounge chair I had been in for our flight.

“You two lovebirds coming or what?” Jackson asked from the front of the plane. “I don’t want to have to come in there after you two.

“We are coming,” Chase hollered back at his brother. “My lovely wife, let’s go find Ana.”

He pulled me up and kissed me gingerly, as his arms held me tight against him. It had been a month since Ana had left Liechtenstein and no one had heard a single word from her. I was certain that something horrible had happened.

While we were in Italy, Jackson had asked around and tried to find out who Gordon really was. He got a few leads but nothing turned up, until the day we were getting ready to leave. That was when Jackson heard that Gordon was really Stephano Copal, a big trafficker in the sex trade. Jackson’s contact was pretty sure that Ana was still in Miami, but that she was probably getting prepped to be sold.

“Hello, my lovely husband,” I replied to Chase as we kissed. “Do you think we should get going before Jackson gets mad?”

“Oh, Jackson is too even-tempered to ever get mad.”

He grabbed my hand and led me off of the private jet to the waiting car, which already had Jackson in it.

“Let’s go find your Ana,” Chase said as he opened the door.

Chase got into the vehicle with me, and I instantly cuddled up against him. My hand held onto his thigh. Our lips moved together as the car pulled away and we made our way toward the city.

“Are you two lovebirds ever going to stop kissing?” Jackson asked.

Chase just flipped him off and continued to kiss me. We were happier than we could have ever imagined.

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By Claire Adams

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2016 Claire Adams


Chapter One


It was nice seeing my brother again and his new wife was adorable, but I really needed to get back to work. My self-imposed sabbatical had lasted well over a year. And as beautiful as Italy was, I was ready to get back to the real world.

“You two lovebirds coming or what?” I asked Chase and his wife.

Jordan was a beautiful brunette from Liechtenstein, who my brother had met online. It certainly wasn’t how I thought my billionaire brother would meet his future wife, but then again, who was I to question love? I was 36 years old and single.