“Oh, yes, sir.”

Chase drove around for a little bit to make sure no one was following us before he pulled into an old, rundown hotel. It certainly wasn’t my idea of a perfect evening, but then again, nothing between Chase and I had been perfect.

He ran into the office and got us a key to our room, then pulled around back to the parking area. He purposely left the car as far away from our room as possible, which I assumed was so that no one would know which room we were in if they happened to find us. But I seriously doubted that anyone was going to come to The Lucky Motor Inn looking for us.

As we made it to our room, Chase looked around quickly and then opened the door and pushed me in. He locked the door behind him and started taking off his clothes as his eyes peered into mine. There was no talking – it wasn’t needed. I could see the pure lust in his eyes, and I knew he could see the same in my own.

His eyes locked with mine and he walked closer to me. I fumbled with getting my clothes off and his hands were there quickly to help me. Then, his hands were wrapped around me, holding me close to him as his lips moved down my neck and toward my nipple.

The moans that came from him as he kissed and sucked on my nipple drove me absolutely wild. My body ached to have him inside of me. I couldn’t wait another moment, so I turned him around and pressed him back onto the bed playfully.

Chase wasn’t about to let me be in charge, though. By the time I crawled into the bed, he had grabbed me and flipped me so I was face down. His hands held tight onto my hips and soon his mouth started to kiss my ass gingerly.

My body shivered at the touch of his wet lips and I pressed my hips toward him to get even more of him. His lust for me continued as I felt his finger slide inside of my wetness, and his thumb started to play with my clit.

Our movements were quick and deliberate as we were both so pumped full of adrenaline, we couldn’t contain ourselves. I just needed to have him thrusting inside of me. There was nothing else that mattered to me in that moment than feeling his hardness inside of me. It was like he purposely held himself back from fucking me just to torture me a little longer.

“Fuck me,” I moaned out in an urgent desire to have him.

Chase didn’t waste a single second of time after he heard my request. He pulled himself up onto his knees and pressed his hardness into me roughly. It was firm, and I loved every moment of it.

Urgently, we moved against each other as his hands held tight to my hips. I gripped onto the sheets for leverage. Hard. Fast. Deep. That is how we moved, as our bodies searched for a finish to release all of our pent up energy.

Chase reached down, grabbed my long brown hair, and pulled me back toward him. He was firm, yet gentle as he used my hair as a guide for thrusting inside of me. His firm hold on my hair only served to heighten my arousal. I found myself moaning even louder than I had ever moaned before.

“Yes. Yes!” I screamed out.

His hips moved harder and deeper at the sound of my acceptance of him. He grabbed my hair with both hands and thrust his hips as deep as he could. It sent my body into an ecstatic orgasm that made me lose my balance and lay flat onto the bed.

Chase stayed on top of me and thrust hard over me as his body urged him on to get to his finish. His hands held onto the bed for leverage as his thrust moved deep inside of me. I was still moaning and shivering from my orgasm when I felt his final thrust.

“Fuck, yes,” he moaned as he came deep inside of me.

My body pressed back toward him, and I relished the skin-to-skin contact. We were both wet with sweat and breathing heavily from the exertion, it was fantastic.

As we lay on the not so fancy sheets of our motel, I had never been happier. Sure, we were in the midst of possibly getting murdered by Escabar for turning him into Ramos, but I had never felt more alive than I did at that moment.

“I’m afraid to go look at the shower,” I teased.

“Me too.”

Chase laughed and then pulled me up to force me to go with him to the bathroom. The orange hue of stain that ran around the tub was a weird rust-like ring. The ceiling was extremely low and had wet stains around it. I felt dirtier in the bathroom

than I did just staying out in the noisy old bed that we had just screwed each other on.

“I’m not getting in there alone,” I said.

“Deal, we will just hurry and wash off.”

Chase turned the water on and it made a crazy loud noise as the flow of water made its way to the shower. I half expected some brown disgusting water to come pouring out. Luckily, the water appeared perfectly clear, so I jumped in first to get it over with.

There was no soap or anything like that. I just quickly washed up so I could get out of there. Chase stood at the other end of the shower watching me as he tried to decide if he was going to get under the water or not.

“Well, it’s not quite my six-person shower now is it?” he teased.

“Nope, definitely not.”

We finished up quickly and then climbed back into bed. I pulled the comforter off the bed first as I had remembered seeing a story about how dirty those things were. At least the sheets looked clean.