There was already a sense of closeness between the two of us, a level of comfort that we felt. It was as if we had known each other for years, already. I certainly didn’t feel like we had only met a few short days before.

“I’m ready,” he said as he pulled my hand down and put it on his raging hard cock.

“Well, I was talking about going to the police station.” I smiled. “But I think we could take care of this before we got going.”

Slowly, I let my hand move up and down his hard, smooth shaft. My eyes stayed focused on his, and I watched the pleasure of my touch in his eyes. He closed his eyes as his body filled with desire, and I couldn’t resist for another moment.

I moved my body gently on top of Chase and let his cock slide inside of me, as I balanced myself with my hands on his shoulders. I was acutely aware of his rib pain and didn’t want to cause any more pain for him. I hoped that we could have a fun session of love making with him on his back, relaxing and me doing all the work.

But Chase had other plans. He didn’t want to just lay back and relax. He wanted to show me how much I was going to enjoy being married to him.

His thumb pressed against my clit as his hips thrust high up into the air. Suddenly, my control over the situation was gone. Just the touch of his thumb on my clit had my body shaking with excitement. I slowed my hip movements to try and avoid the excitement he was delivering to my body, but there was no avoiding it. I loved it. I loved absolutely every second of his hands on my body. I didn’t ever want him to stop touching me.

I leaned back and put my hands on his knees as I exposed my clit even more to him. I felt the ecstasy as it moved through my body, but I didn’t give into it at first. Instead, I reached around and let one of my hands grab hold of his balls and tug on them slightly. The movement clearly shocked Chase, and he stopped moving all together.

At first, I thought my ball tugging had hurt him, but then I realized it just threw him off for a minute. Shortly after, I saw him smile as I pulled a little harder on his delicate balls. I didn’t pull hard enough to hurt him, just enough to give him a sexual stimulation that he might not have expected from me.

“Do you like?” I whispered as I began thrusting my hips harder.


His short, out of breath answer was all I needed to spur on my other ideas of fun. I released his balls and then let my nails glide across them gently. It was a totally different sensation, but it garnered the same response. He stopped moving and looked at me in shock. I could tell that he didn’t expect for me to know any of these moves. But just because I wasn’t extremely experienced sexually didn’t mean my girlfriends and I hadn’t talked in depth about our fun, secret moves.

“Fuck, Jordan, you’re my fucking wife. I can’t believe this,” Chase said out of breath as he thrust into me in a search for his orgasm.

“I know. It’s pretty crazy that I have a husband,” I said as my finger began to stroke the area just below his sensitive balls.

My new moves obviously impressed him. I knew that when he was feeling better, I was going to get a whole lot of payback. Of course, I wouldn’t mind sexual payback at all. It sounded like a lot of fun to me.

Our bodies only took another minute before we both screamed out with excitement as the shiver of orgasm rocked us. It was a morning delight that I couldn’t wait to repeat over and over throughout our marriage – assuming the two of us made it through the rest of the week and away from the dangers that Escabar posed to us both.

As our bodies rose and fell from the exertion, I couldn’t help but laugh. It had only been ten days since I had walked Ana to the plane to take her journey to America. The reality of that thought woke me up right away. It was really crazy how much could happen in just ten short days.

“I’ve got to do something,” I said as I found my cell phone and logged into my email.

“What’s up?”

“I suddenly had a horrible feeling about Ana. I just wanted to check my email to see if by chance she had sent me a message.”

Chase watched as I scrolled through my messages. He rubbed my back in support as the disappointment on my face showed that I had not heard anything from her.

“When this is over, I promise we will go to Miami and look for her.”

“Well, we better get this over with, then,” I said.

“Yes, let me shower and we can get going.”

I watched as Chase took his naked ass to the shower. The moment felt as close to perfect as it could be. The only major problem with the moment was that we were only days away from our life’s ending, but other than that – perfect.

I gathered up my things and waited for Chase on the couch. I had to practice some deep breathing as I tried to calm my nerves. Slowly, I took a breath in and then let it out again as I waited. But it didn’t matter how much deep breathing I did, I was still scared to death that we might be making the wrong decision.

Going to the police seemed like the only right decision, but yet it could also be the wrong decision. If Escabar found out we went to the police, any chance of us getting out of this alive would be over. Yet, he was already threatening to end things by the end of the week, if Chase didn’t come up with the money that was needed and hand over the black book.

I still had the duplicate black book, just in case it would come in handy at some point. But I figured going to the police would mean that Chase was going to hand over the black book in exchange for safety from them. Safety that only the police could offer someone, but safety that I wasn’t sure would really prevent Escabar from getting rid of us both. There were so many variables in play, so many things that could go wrong. It was crazier than any crime television episode I had ever watched.

“Ready?” Chase asked as he came out of the bedroom.

“Yep, as ready as I’ll ever be.”