The pulsing massage heads of the shower instantly went to work on my sore muscles. I closed my eyes as I tried to relax. So much had happened in the last few days, so much more than I could have ever imagined.

For the first time since I arrived in America, I started to regret my decision to come. If I had stayed in Liechtenstein, I would have been safe. I wouldn’t have met Chase and I wouldn’t have to deal with the sense of dread and fear over something happening to him.

I let the warm water engulf me as I thought of my mother and Ana. I missed them dearly and really wanted to talk to them as soon as possible. But as I turned the water off, I was rushed back to the present and how I genuinely cared about Chase. I didn’t want anything to happen to him. I thought, together, we had a possibility of getting him out of his situation alive. Together, we worked really damn well, and I was prepared to stay with him.

There wasn’t a feeling of obligation in staying with Chase. I genuinely had feelings for him. It was crazy to think after such a short time that I would be able to have feelings, but I did. My stomach fluttered anytime I was near him. My mouth got dry when I tried to talk around him. My heart raced at the thought of making love to him. And now, we had just become husband and wife. I had to do everything possible to help him in his situation.

“Chase,” I yelled out.

“Just a second.”

I waited for about a minute before I dropped my towel and walked out to the main door in the hallway.

“Chase,” I beckoned.

Chase took the eggs off the stove and then turned to look at me. I stood naked as I leaned against the doorframe and licked my lips to tease him. Chase opened his prescription bottle of pain medication and took one before he made his way down the hallway.

“You, my wife, are sexy as fuck,” he said, as his lips stopped only inches away from mine.

“I like that.”

“It’s true. I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

Chase let his fingertips glide gently from my neck, down over my erect nipple and then slowly down my abdomen. The whole time, he kept direct eye contact with me. It was intense and made my whole body shiver with excitement.

“Lie on the bed,” he ordered me.

“No,” I teased.

“Oh, did you just say no?”

“Yep, you’re too tired. You lie on the bed.” I smiled.

Chase knew I was right. His body had to have been sore from our afternoon at the pond. There was no way he had enough energy to be on top of me again. I knew he was in pain; I had just watched him take his second pain pill in the last hour. I couldn’t contribute to that pain.

“How about we both lie in the bed?” he teased as he started to get undressed.


Chase locked his bedroom door behind us as we both climbed into his silk-covered bed. The fabric felt delightful against my naked body. I quickly pressed myself up against Chase and pulled the silk covers up to cover my ass.

The comfort of the bed quickly overcame both of us, and I felt myself drifting off to sleep in Chase’s arms. We were both still so exhausted. It wasn’t as sexy as we would have wanted for our first night as husband and wife, but it would have to do. We fell asleep naked in each other’s arms.


Surprisingly, we both slept extremely well. It was total peace all night long, and both of us were just too tired to fight off the sleep.

As we woke up and snuggled naked in his bed, I couldn’t help but giggle a little. We were already turning into the old married couple who chose sleep over sex. It was pretty funny to me.

“Good morning, Mr. Foster,” I whispered as I kissed his chest.

Chase pulled his arm tight around my body and held on to me tightly. I felt his lips kiss my hair as he started to wake up.

“Good morning, Mrs. Foster,” he said sweetly.

“Are you ready to do this?” I asked as I sat up on my arm.