Jordan’s voice cracked a little as she asked me. I had forgotten all about Jordan’s friend who had gone to Miami. If Jordan hadn’t heard from her by then, it was highly likely that something bad had happened to her. But, of course, I wasn’t going to say anything like that to her.

“Of course. She probably has tried to reach you and all this craziness has just messed it up. I’m sure we will find that she’s perfectly happy and safe.”

“I hope so,” Jordan said softly.

I felt her reach up and wipe some tears away from her eyes. I felt so bad for her. She hadn’t had contact with any of her family or friends for at least a week.

“What about your mother? Have you heard from her?”

“No, but she’s traveling. She’ll get in touch as soon as she gets back. At least I know she is safe with her husband.”

“Yes, that is a good thing. At least we know she is safe.”

The two of us looked up at the sky, and I said a little prayer for Jordan’s loved ones. I really did hope her friend Ana and her mother would be able to get in touch soon. It had to have been driving her crazy not to hear from them.

“I’m going to start the process of standing up,” I joked as I rolled over.

My ribs felt like they were about to break in half, as I used both of my hands to steady myself as I stood up. It was going to be another long day. I was going to need another one of my pain pills if I was going to make it through it.

“I should put some clothes on if we are going to the police station,” Jordan teased as she stood up naked.

“Nope, I think they will listen to us more if you show up like that. I like that outfit the best. Let’s just go right now.”

“You’re a goof!”

Chapter Twenty


As we pulled up to Chase’s house, I couldn’t help but remember the day I hid in his safe room and Chase almost died. It was so eerie at his house. I was sure there had to be someone waiting to jump us when we walked in.

“Maybe we should just go to a hotel?” I asked.

My eyes darted back and forth around the front entrance to the house as I waited for the inevitable person to move from their hiding spot. I felt my heart pounding harder and harder as Chase got out of the car to go inside.

I didn’t want to be left outside in the car. I was terrified that someone was watching his house and that they would hurt me.

“It’s all right. I’m sure we are fine for today. But I’ll go walk through just to make sure,” Chase said as he made his way to the front door.

“Oh, no, you don’t. I’m not staying out in the car alone.” I jumped up and was behind him in less than two seconds.

He just laughed and held onto my hand as we walked inside. He was a strong man. I liked that he was built to take care of me. Even though we had been through so much in the last few days, I still felt like he could keep me safe. I still felt like he would do anything to keep me from getting hurt.

The one thing I noticed most was how at ease Chase seemed since we had gotten married. His shoulders were more relaxed, and his whole body appeared to have a sense of relief. I wasn’t sure if it was getting married, talking to his father, or deciding to go to the police that was to blame for his new, cooler temperament, but I liked it.

The house had been thoroughly ransacked, but we knew that already. “I think you should take a shower first. I’ll stay out here,” Chase said as we walked through the rest of the house.

“All right.”

I knew there was no need to argue with him, both of us felt uneasy about being in the house. It was creepy. I imagined it was a similar feeling to being in a home where a murder had occurred. You could tell there were happy times in the home, but the lasting memory would always be the violence that had happened only a few short days before.

“Are you hungry?” Chase asked as I started to undress in the master bath.


“I’ll make you some eggs,” he said as he left the room.

I was starting to think that eggs were the only thing Chase knew how to make. But I was significantly hungry, so eggs would be just fine. My body was tired, more like exhausted, as I stepped inside the warm shower.