“You appear to be fully operational,” she teased as her hand stroked my cock.

“I think we should finish the test run, just to make sure.”

She lifted her hips up and pulled down her bottoms as she spread herself open to let me inside of her. My cock played with her for a moment as I moved my hips forward and back again before she grabbed me and pressed my cock inside of her.

I moved slowly as I watched her face and looked for any signs of discomfort. There were none. She appeared to fully enjoy having my cock filling her up.

“Fuck me, Chase.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I pressed myself deep inside of Jordan and moved hard into her. I felt her breath on my cheek as I gave every last inch of my body to hers. Her sweet breath drove me to pound into her with everything I had. Harder and harder, I let my body fill hers in the warmth of the day.

“Yes!” she screamed out.

I looked around to see if there was anyone nearby, then I realized we were a good mile away from the house. There was no one around to hear our moans and screams.

“Oh, fuck, yes, Jordan,” I moaned.

She latched onto me, but tried to be gentle as she pulled her fingernails down my back. It was just enough pressure to send my body going crazy, and I thrusted one last time in delight. Under me, I felt Jordan’s hips move with me, and I could tell she was getting close to releasing her sweet orgasm. My hips kept motion with her for just a few more strokes, as her body finally gave in to the pleasure she had been holding onto.

As I watched her release into ecstasy, I finally lowered my body onto hers and felt the pain of my ribs as I did. I certainly shouldn’t have been making love so much. My whole body shook with pain.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m perfect,” I whispered in her ear.

My body fell to the side in exhaustion, as I tried not to take deep breaths. The pain was more intense than it had been all day, but I didn’t regret making love to Jordan. It was our wedding day, after all. We should at least get to be naked before we started thinking about dying.

She curled up next to me and wrapped the blanket around us. For that moment, it was just the two of us in the world

. No one was there to hurt me, no one wanted any money from me. There, by the pond at my parents’ house, was our utopia.

The whole time I had been dating, I always wondered how people could settle down with just one woman. It seemed preposterous to me that any man would be fulfilled by one woman. Wouldn’t they always want another?

But as I lay on the ground with Jordan in my arms, I suddenly realized that there was so much more to relationships than wanting another woman or not. In that moment, I didn’t want to be anywhere else. I certainly didn’t want Jordan to be anywhere else. And, I couldn’t imagine ever wanting to give her up for another woman. Sure, it could have just been infatuation, we really had not known each other for long, but I felt like it was something so much more. There was a deep connection between the two of us.

“So, I think you’re right. I think we need to go to the Special Crimes Division. I hate that we have to do this, but I really want to get out of this thing alive.”

“Yeah, me too.”

Jordan snuggled up even closer to me. I felt a huge weight as it was lifted off my shoulders. Sure, going to the police wasn’t going to guarantee I lived, but I did feel like I had a much better shot at it. I didn’t know how they were going to help us for sure. In fact, I might even get myself in a little trouble with them. Some of the money I borrowed from Escabar was used at underground gambling parties, and I was going to have to tell them all about that.

I took in some small breaths as I tried to relax a little. There weren’t very many places in town that I felt safe, but right there by the pond was a pretty perfect location.

“Can we go back to my house and shower before going to the police?” I asked.

I wasn’t really asking permission, more like I wanted to know her thoughts on the matter.

“I think we have until the end of the week before he comes after you. We could probably head back to your house for a little bit. Do you have the black book?”

“Yes, I have it.”

“Do you want to go now?”

“No, I want to lay here with you in my arms for a little bit longer.”

“You know my friend I told you about, Ana? When this is all over, will you help me track her down and make sure she is all right?”