It was such an intimate moment between the two of us, yet we were sharing it in the middle of a parking garage. Certainly not a typical location for intimate lovemaking. But then again, what about our relationship had been typical at all? From the moment we met online, to that moment in the car, nothing had been ordinary between us.

I held her hips tight as she moved on top of me, and I wanted desperately to feel myself explode inside of her. But just then, I saw the lights of a car as it came up the ramp and pulled in right across from us. The lights shone into our car, and I reclined my seat as far as possible, pulling Jordan down on top of me.

“Shh, there’s a car,” I whispered.

“They can’t hear us.” She laughed.

She refused to stop moving, but she did try and stay low as her body pulsed with mine. I actually preferred having her lying on top of me. I could feel her breasts pressed up against my chest. I could feel her breath on my neck as she moved harder and harder against me.

Her body tightened on top of me, and I felt her thrusts become more deliberate. She was gearing up to cum, and I loved every second of it. Thrust after thrust, her body moved, and I did what I could to hold back my own orgasm until she had delivered her own.

I looked out and saw the man who parked across from us as he walked up to the elevator. Then, I grabbed Jordan by the hips and held her next to me. I refused to let her control the thrusts and instead, I held onto her as I moved deep inside.

Her moans were loud, but I didn’t care. I loved to hear the pleasure in the sounds she made. It drove me to deliver more and more pleasure for her.

I grabbed her hair and pulled her close to me so I could kiss her while we both exploded into an intense orgasm. My hands moved up her back and then back down as I felt the shivers of desire shake her to the core. Nothing had been as delicious as the feeling of Jordan’s body as it shook with an orgasm. The connection between us seemed to grow more and more each time we made love.

In a strange way, I was grateful that I had some broken ribs. The side effect of making me less aggressive sexually was just what I wanted for Jordan. I wasn’t intimidating to her. In fact, she felt compelled to take control when she wanted to make love. It worked great for our bonding, but I hated that there was a little voice in the back of my head that liked it, as well. My little voice was telling me that I could get all the women I wanted, if I just pretended to have a broken rib the next time I tried to pick a woman up.

I absolutely hated that even with a wonderful, beautiful, and kind woman right there with me, I was still thinking about how I could get the next one.

“Should we go inside and get married?” I asked as Jordan’s body calmed from the orgasm.

“Right now?”

She didn’t look nearly as enthusiastic as she had before.

“Yes, I think we should. It was your idea. Are you having second thoughts?”

“I just kind of wanted to shower now. Man, I look horrible.” She laughed.

“You look beautiful to me.”

We both climbed out of the car and headed to the courthouse to see if we could figure out how the heck to get married. I understood all the steps we needed to take, but I was still extremely nervous as we walked in. It wasn’t every day that you decide to get married.

I grabbed Jordan’s hand and held onto it as we walked into the County Clerk’s office to fill out the marriage paperwork. It wasn’t exactly how I had hoped to get married, but she was more than I had hoped for – so it all worked out just fine.

Someday, we could have a big fancy wedding, if that was what she wanted. We would bring her family over and, of course, her friend Ana, as well. My family and hers could sit and enjoy the happiness that was our wedding. But for the time being, the courthouse was perfectly fine with me. I actually felt like it was better than having a big wedding, but I supposed that I felt that way because I was a guy.

“Let’s get married,” I said as I opened the door.

Chapter Eighteen


If you had asked me only a few months before if I would ever be walking into the Atlanta courthouse to get married, I would have said you were crazy. Yet, there I was walking – with my American man and getting ready to say whatever it was we needed to say in order to get married.

Marriage was a weird thing to me. You basically signed a piece of paper, said some words, and suddenly you were bonded with someone for life. It seemed like a really long contract to have with a person, and the process was surprisingly easy.

Things in my life had changed drastically in the previous few months. There was nothing I could have done to predict where I was at that moment. There was no way I could have even imagined that I would be standing in that spot with Chase and that we were about to get married.

“Are you ready for this?” I asked him as we stood in front of the door.

“I’m ready if you are,” he said.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and held onto me. I wasn’t nervous at all, which was extremely surprising to me. I was actually very excited to be getting to marry Chase. It had only been a few days together, but I knew he needed this. I was comfortable with continuing to date and get to know each other.

The reality of the situation was that we had to convince his father to sign over the company to Chase within only a few days. It was a lot to ask, and I wasn’t sure the two of us were going to be able to pull it off. But what I did know was that we had better luck of getting it done if we worked together than if we didn’t. If I didn’t stay with Chase and help him through this, it was highly likely that he wouldn’t make it.