I reached next to the chair, pulled a big blanket up, and wrapped it over Jordan as she cuddled on top of me. Her smell was delightful, and I couldn’t stop leaning down and kissing her head as she lay on my shoulder.

I watched as her body started to calm down and her breathing returned to normal. But I wasn’t ready to move. Not only was I in horrible pain, but I enjoyed having Jordan curled up on top of me like that and wasn’t in any big hurry to have her move.

“So, you want to tell me a little more about this Escabar dude?” she asked.

She was still cuddled up on top of me, and my first answer was no way did I want to tell her anything about him. But, there was another part of me that desperately wanted Jordan to know everything. I wanted her to be my partner and, for a minute, I thought about telling her it all.

I thought about telling her what I had used all that money on. I thought about telling her just how dangerous Escabar was and how much danger we both were in. But I just couldn’t. I couldn’t risk losing her. I wouldn’t lose her.

“Nothing much to say. I owe him a lot of money and he wants it back. I can’t go to my father because he’ll say I’m irresponsible. But I need to get Escabar his money back.”

Jordan didn’t seem pleased with my answer, and I knew she thought there was much more to the story. But, she laid her head back on my shoulder and didn’t continue to press me for more information.

I wrapped my arms around her and held on to her as tightly as I could. I wasn’t going to let her get away from me at all. Whatever it took to keep her there with me, I was going to make sure I did it.

“Okay, Chase,” she finally said when she realized I wasn’t going to be adding any more to my story.

“So, if this was our fancy date, what would we be talking about?” I said in an effort to change the subject.

“Well, you would tell me my outfit was beautiful,” Jordan said as she leaned back and exposed her breasts to the cold cabin air.

“Oh, yes. Your outfit is gorgeous.”

“Then, we would talk about your work.”

“Well, I had a great meeting with my executive team the other day. They listened to some ideas I had about using natural energy. I think it went really well.”

“That sounds promising,” she said as she totally distracted me with her breasts. “Do you like the people you work with?”

“Yes, I do,” I said as my hands found their way to her breasts. “They are good guys, but they follow my father and sometimes struggle to understand new ideas.”

“Sounds like you’re trying to get out of your father’s shadow.”


I continued to play with her breasts as we had our first date conversation. It certainly wasn’t like any first date I had ever had before. But nothing about our relationship was normal.

“Tell me about you?” I asked her.

She hesitated at first, and I knew it had to have something to do with her not having family or friends around when I invited her to come visit the United States. I didn’t want to turn the mood into something sad, but I did really want to know more about her family and her life back home.

“I lived with my mother for the last five years,” she said quietly.

“Did she die?”

It was a reasonable question. Jordan had said that her mother wasn’t around anymore, so I assumed she had passed away.

“No, she ended up getting married recently, and her new husband travels a lot.”

“Oh, so she is gone all the time and that is why you are alone?” I asked.

“It was a fast transition. Both my mom and my best friend left within the same week. I really wasn’t prepared for it at all.”

“So, they just left you alone?”

“It wasn’t supposed to have been a sad thing. My mother had been single for almost five years. I was happy for her to find someone. And my friend, Ana, met a guy through OK Love and came to Miami to meet him.”

“Oh, so she is here? We should go see her sometime when things settle down. How is she doing?”