“My father would never let me take over the company. He thinks I’m too impulsive and bad at making decisions.”

I couldn’t help but smile. His father sure seemed right about Chase. Everything I was hearing seemed to back that up.

“I think we need to get you out of here so you can heal this weekend,” I said as I let my hand grab his.

He was so vulnerable, and I couldn’t just leav

e him like that. I wanted to help him. I decided I would stick around long enough to get him through this mess, and then I could move on afterward if I decided things were not working out.

The problem I was having was that Chase was so damn cute. Even lying in bed, he had this charisma about him that made me want to kiss him. My body was so drawn to him; I couldn’t stop thinking about the previous night and just how much pleasure he and I had delivered to each other.

“You are right about getting out of here. My brother has a house just outside of town. He’s traveling for the next few months. We could go out there, for now. Do you think you are up to driving?”

I liked seeing his mind swarming with ideas. That was the Chase I liked the most. He wasn’t going to just lay back and let things go down the way that Escabar guy wanted them to. He was going to fight.

“You’ll need to show up to work on Monday and all week if you want to keep building your father’s trust. That means you’re going to need to stay in bed and not move all weekend long,” I said firmly.

“Get me to his house, and I’ll stay in bed all weekend. I can’t guarantee I won’t move, though,” he said as his hand traced my inner thigh.

“How can you even think about sex when you are in so much pain?” I laughed.

“I never stop thinking about you and sex.” He smiled.

“Okay. Let me gather our things and get the car loaded up, and then I’ll get us out to the house.”

“By the way, what took so long at the store? Did you get lost?” he asked.

“It was a pretty big store. But no, I met a nice woman and her boyfriend and started talking to them. They were new to the area also. It was nice.”

Chase looked very worried at what I said, and I couldn’t figure out why. It wasn’t like I brought some strangers home or anything. I really hoped he wasn’t one of those guys who didn’t want his woman to have any of her own friends. That wasn’t going to work very well for me at all.

“Be careful, Jordan. Escabar is a sneaky guy. He could have people anywhere.”

“Chase, come on. How would they even know to talk to me? Escabar doesn’t have any idea who I am.”

“Jordan, I know these people. They would figure out a way. Let’s just not make any new friends right now. We can work on the friend thing after we get through this.”

“Fine, but I think you're paranoid.”

My original idea that Chase was the perfect guy was slowly melting away. He had gotten himself in a whole heap of trouble and now I was exposed to it, as well. But deep down, I was just happy that he wasn’t some sort of sex trafficker who was going to try and sell me off. I still was extremely attracted to him, and I was prepared to help him out and see if we could get through the mess he had gotten himself into.

With the car loaded full of groceries and belongings, we made our way toward his brother’s cabin. Chase made a point to have me turn random directions and backtrack to make sure no one was following us.

“My brother, Nathan, would really love you. It’s a good thing he isn’t here.” Chase laughed.

“Why do you say that?”

“He travels around the world picking up beautiful women from faraway lands.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “He sounds like a Disney movie character.”

“Oh, he’s certainly not for Disney. He works as a private contractor protecting famous people. He’s a little rough around the edges for Disney.”

We continued our drive and pulled down a dirt road in the middle of the woods. I seriously doubted Escabar or his guys would be able to find us at all. I could hardly find the place, and Chase was giving me turn-by-turn directions.

“Why does your brother live in the middle of nowhere?”

“He’s got some bad PTSD from his military time. He likes the quiet of it out here when he isn’t working.”