“Thank you, Chase,” I said. I looked at him and watched his engorged body as it pulsed with desire to be inside of me.

He climbed onto the bed and grabbed my legs. Gently, he flipped me onto my back and sat up on his knees with my legs in each of his hands. He looked down at my body, and I had to laugh a little.

The look in his eyes was like a carnivore about to devour his prey. He lowered his body onto me, and I felt his cock as it pressed up next to my opening.

“I’m going to make you scream with pleasure now,” he said with a smile as he slid inside of me.

His mouth came down to mine, and I felt my breath leave me as he filled me up. His cock was larger than I had expected, and I felt my body wriggle under him as I adjusted to fit him. I took a few deep breaths as I tried to accommodate him inside of me.

Our mouths stayed gently touching as he slid in and out of me, very slowly at first. Each stroke was deliberate and without much push in it. He sensed I was getting adjusted to him, and his lips touched mine so gently that I felt very comfortable.

Slowly, as our bodies moved together, I started to feel more and more comfortable until I was able to grab hold of his back and pull him toward me to push harder. With that little motion, Chase released his inner beast and started to thrust deeper into me. It was as if he had been waiting for me to give him permission to thrust harder. I was happy to give him the permission he needed. His cock felt wonderful as he thrust deep into me.

I couldn’t help but scream out as his body moved inside of mine. Everything about Chase was perfectly suited to me, and I wanted to feel that perfection deep inside of me. My screams came naturally with each thrust, and I couldn’t stop them. My body had to release all the pent up energy it had and all the desire I had, to feel an overwhelming release of pleasure.

I grabbed onto his back hard and pulled on him to thrust more and more. Through the motions, I was able to forget about my worry over being in America. I forgot about how concerned I was over who Chase really was. I even was able to let go of my worry over Ana and how she was doing. Nothing else in the world mattered at that moment.

Harder and harder, he moved inside of me, and I felt the intensity of the moment grow. He was there on top of me giving me his body and I was there giving him mine. It was a beautiful moment, and I knew I would remember it long after it was over. I would remember how he looked at me – that look was nothing I could ever forget.

Even if things didn’t work out between Chase and me, that moment was perfection.

Thrust after thrust, I took him into me and built up with excitement. His breathing became labored, and I felt it as he got ready to explode into me. I let myself relax and thrust my hips with him, and when the moment of desire finally hit me, my body let loose completely.

The orgasm was intense as my muscles clamped down on his cock, and I felt him explode with me. I had never had such perfect timing with a boyfriend before. Not that Chase was a boyfriend, or was he?


That word didn’t seem to fit our situation, but neither did the word friend. I didn’t exactly know what our relationship was or what it was going to be. All I knew was that it felt extremely right to me.

Was a boyfriend what Chase was? I didn’t know. We had just met, yet he had paid for me to travel across the world to see him. At the very least, I felt like he was more than a friend. But our relationship was difficult to describe. It wasn’t a relationship that could easily be put into a box.

We could figure that out later, though. Nothing needed to be decided right away. We had all the time in the world.

Mybreath heaved as I tried to calm my body after the huge explosion that had just taken place. Maybe I was still tired from my flight, or maybe the exertion of energy was too much for me, but within a minute of curling up into Chase’s arms, I found myself drifting off to sleep.

Sleeping in a man’s arms wasn’t something I was very familiar with. We both slept through most of the night without a movement. It felt so perfect when I woke up with Chase there next to me. His strong, muscular arms made me feel safe, and I had slept so soundly that it took me a minute to realize where I was when I woke up.

His muscles wrapped tightly around me, and I wanted to stay there forever, but my body needed to use the bathroom. I needed to freshen up a little before he woke up and saw what I really looked like in the morning.

I got up out of bed as quietly as possible. After a quick visit to the bathroom, I knew I should just hop in the shower, but all my clothes were in my room right next to the bed. And I was sure I would end up waking Chase up if I went for them.

Quietly, I snuck to my bag and started to go through my clothes to pick an outfit for the day. His eyes opened and looked up at me, and he grabbed my wrist gently.

“Shower?” he asked.

“Yes, I was just grabbing some clothes.”

“Come with me,” he said as he jumped up, grabbed my hand, and led me to the bathroom connected to his room.

The master bathroom was by far bigger than any I had ever seen. Not only did it have a giant tub in the corner that looked like it could fit at least four people in it, but there was also a shower that had more shower heads than I could imagine would be useful.

There was basically a wall full of shower jets. It looked like it ha

d come straight out of some five-star spa or fancy hotel. I couldn’t believe that I was standing in the middle of such a beautiful bathroom, with such a downright sexy man.

“How many people is this shower for?” I joked.

“Well, it can comfortably fit six.”