“We should have dinner sometime, Chase, talk about how you are doing. Your mother would like to see you.”

“Sure thing, Dad. I’ll give you a call.”

I got up and gave him a hug and then made my way out of the office as fast as I could. Luckily, the makeup I had put on to cover my eye up had done the trick, and he hadn’t bothered to ask me about it. It would have ruined everything if he thought I was getting into fistfights with people.

The drive home was full of me singing to the latest songs and not being able to stop smiling. My father had finally taken notice of me, and I was making an impression at work. It felt much better than trying to avoid everyone all the time. I even felt a little proud of myself.

I also had a beautiful woman at home just waiting to get to know me. It was an unusual situation, but I was still excited. The energy between Jordan and I was so strong that I felt like things just might work out really well.

Never had I actually put an effort into getting to know a woman before. Sure, I had taken them on dates; I had even had a steady girlfriend for a while. But my whole purpose was to get laid – I didn’t care to get to know them at all. But, I needed Jordan to agree to marry me, or I wasn’t going to get out of this mess I had gotten myself into. In order for her to marry me, she was going to need to feel connected to me, and I wanted to do everything possible to make that happen.

The thought of Jose Escabar was also on my mind, and I had to keep thinking about how I might be able to put him off for a few more weeks. It was clear that I wasn’t going to be able to use the black notebook I had stolen without retribution, which could involve me getting murdered. So, I was going to need to think about a new plan to get a few more weeks of time.

Well, actually I needed like six more weeks of time. It was a lot more than Escabar wanted to give, and I couldn’t think of a good reason why he would give it to me. My whole plan had entailed making a few more monthly payments to get me through until my father gave me the company. Now that Escabar wasn’t willing to wait for the payoff, I had no idea how I would get him the money he needed.

Suddenly, my fingernails were more important to me than ever, and I knew I was going to need a new plan. I couldn’t wait any longer. I didn’t want it to get two weeks down the road and have Escabar show up at my work and talk to my father. That would be the end of everything for me.

My mind raced with the idea of Escabar coming after me or coming after my family in order to get his money. I couldn’t let things get that far out of control. If it came down to it, I would just go to one of my brothers.

I could possibly go to Jere. Jeremiah was just one year older than me and doing really well as an actor. He was more of a free spirit and might consider just loaning me the money without me even having to explain to him what it was for.

As I arrived at my house, it was dark out and there were not any lights on. I figured that Jordan had probably fallen asleep. Most people didn’t understand just how much jet lag could affect them until the unstoppable tiredness hit them. I had spent enough time traveling the world to understand the true effects of jet lag.

I flipped only the front living room light on and then made my way down the hallway. I just wanted to make sure she was doing all right, so I could sleep well and not worry about her.

Lightly, I knocked on her room door.

“Come in,” her soft voice said.

“I’m sorry to disturb you. I just wanted to make sure you were all right?”

She started to get up out of bed, and I saw the little t-shirt she had on. It barely covered her, and I wanted to know what was on underneath it desperately. My cock instantly reacted to seeing the bare skin of her legs. She looked so sweet and innocent as she climbed out of bed and made her way over to me.

“Oh, you don’t need to get up. We can talk in the morning,” I said as I started to shut the door.

Before I could shut the door, she had her hands wrapped around me again and her lips were on mine. Between kisses, she pulled back to look at me, and I couldn’t help but smile. She was so damn cute.

“I….had…a…great…night,” she said between kisses.

I tried to resist her. Really, I did. But there was just too much skin and kissing going on for me to continue to deny myself. I wanted to take her on a date and get to know her more, but I wanted to feel her naked skin against my body even more than that.

I gave in. There was nothing I could have done to stop it. Jordan wanted me, and God damn, I wanted her, too.

Chapter Ten


I had waited all night for him and was excited when he finally came home. Through my sleep, I heard him knock, and I went right toward the door. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and I hoped he would be all right with it. It was totally out of character for me, nothing like I would have normally acted. But then again, normally I wasn’t in a man’s house that I had flown around the globe to meet.

I didn’t care if it was right or wrong. I wanted to feel his hands on my body. I wanted to feel his lips on mine. There was a connection between us, and I needed to feel him.

“I….had…a…great…night,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

“You need to stop or I’m not going to be able to control myself,” Chase said with a flash of the bad boy behind his eyes.

He had his hands down at his sides, and I could tell he was trying desperately to be a good boy. But I didn’t want him to be good. I wanted him naked on top of me. Everything inside me screamed to have his hands on me, so I grabbed them and placed them right on my bare ass.

I didn’t have anything on under my t-shirt, and I knew feeling my ass would drive him right over the edge. Yes, I knew a proper woman would have waited for our first date. But I didn’t want to. I had just flown halfway around the world to see him. I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t have a strong attraction to him.