Logan grinned. “Same here.”

“Well, at least he’ll have a story about how he delivered pizza to a billionaire. It’ll be a fun story to tell some friends over a beer.”

We both shared a laugh, but then a serious expression darkened his face.

“Is that what I am to you?” Logan asked.


“A billionaire?”

I put some soap on my hands and started washing them. Looking over my shoulder, I said, “You’re a billionaire. You’re handsome, kind, loving, and a number of other great things. You being a billionaire is a bonus.”

“A bonus?” He grinned broadly. “That’s a pretty big bonus.”

“Remember, I didn’t exactly grow up poor there.”

“So, you’re not impressed I’m a billionaire?”

I winked. “It doesn’t hurt, but I think the bigger bonus is how you’re so good to Juniper.” I smiled in the direction of the living room. “I’ve never seen her take such a liking to someone as quickly as she did you.” I peered at him. “Do other kids like you?”

Logan chuckled. “I’ve barely spent time around other kids, so I don’t know. Maybe she just likes my dogs.”

“She liked you from the first time you met.” I tilted my head, listening. No barking. No laughing. No giggling. Though no crashing either.

“What’s wrong?” Logan asked.

“Nothing, it’s just quiet.” I held up a finger. “Way too quiet.”

“What?” Logan gave me a quizzical look. “How can it be too quiet? You want it noisier?”

I shrugged. “I don’t hear Juniper or the dogs.”

“Isn’t that a good thing? Maybe she’s just talking at them quietly.”

I smirked and headed toward the living room, shaking my head. “You don’t get this because you haven’t spent a lot of time around kids, but when you don’t hear a kid, that is when the worst things are happening.”

Walking toward the living room, I strained to hear something shattering or Juniper crying. Raising a rambunctious little girl could be an adventure even in my own house, let alone in the house of a billionaire bachelor without kids.

We arrived in the living room, and my heart melted at the sight before me.

Joe and Dean lay sleeping on the couch, Juniper between them, already fast asleep herself. She had one arm on each dog.

“She’s still recovering and tires out easily,” I said. I walked over to smile down at her. “But seeing her cuddled up with these dogs is one of the most adorable things I’ve seen in a while.”

“How long will she be out?” Logan said.

“Probably until the morning.”

“Not just a nap then.”


“You can stay the night if you want.”

I shook my head. “Not really prepared for that. Don’t have PJs for Juniper and that sort of thing.” I walked over to Logan and lightly kissed him on the lips. “Next time, I will though. I promise. It’ll be fun, I’m sure.”

Logan kissed me back before taking one of my hands and tugging me toward the stairs. “Then at least let me show you my bedroom. I can show you some fun now.”