Blake Shelton played over the phone while I waited and nibbled my lip. My lawyer would know better than me if Lionel could somehow get custody of Juniper.

“Good afternoon, Emily,” George said. “It’s been a while. Is there a problem?”

I let out a nervous laugh. “That obvious?”

“No one ever calls their lawyer to chat. For one thing, it’s too expensive.” He let out a loud laugh. George always did like his own jokes.

I waited patiently for him to calm down. “Lionel’s threatening to go for full custody,” I said. “Saying because I was dating a man and because Juniper got sick and ended up in the hospital, he can get full custody.”

“That’s what Lionel said?” George chortled. “Oh, that’s rich. I hope he’s not paying his lawyer much if that’s the kind of advice he’s getting.”

“You don’t think all that matters? What if he makes up some lies or something? I can’t…I won’t let him take Juniper.”

“Emily, take a deep breath and calm down. If it were that easy, then every angry ex-husband or wife would lie through their teeth. The court is going to want to see actual evidence.” He cleared his throat. “Now, it’s important that you be honest with me. I’m not here to judge you. I need to know so I can help you.”

My stomach churned. I didn’t like the way he was talking. “I’ve never been anything but honest.”

“Good. Is there any evidence out there of you doing something inappropriate? Maybe something on a phone or something? People can hack those, you know. Revenge porn and all that. The internet’s made this kind of thing a lot messier.”

“There’s nothing like that,” I said, shuddering at the thought of Lionel having naked pictures of me to spread around.

“And this recent hospitalization for little Juniper. What was it for? Was she injured? Fell?”

“No, nothing like that. It was pneumonia after getting strep.”

“Good, good,” George said. “That makes thing easier.”


“That way he can’t accuse you of abuse.”

I gasped. “He wouldn’t.”

“Never trust an angry ex-husband, Emily, especially one who is trying to take your child. I’ve seen much worse in my time.”

I let out a long sigh. “Okay.”

“I’m glad you understand. Now a few more questions. Did the police c

ome and take a statement at the hospital? Did Children’s Services show up?”

“No, not at all.”

“Um-hmm. Then I wouldn’t worry. If the doctors thought at all there was any evidence of neglect or abuse, they would have reported you to Children’s Services. The law requires it.”

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “What does this mean, then?”

“What it means, Emily, is Lionel has nothing to offer a judge. You have doctors who can testify you weren’t neglectful, and I don’t know what Lionel believes, but it’s not against the law for divorced women to start dating again.” George cleared his throat. “Not to mention, you have photographic evidence of his own cheating and other evidence of his drug use.” He clucked his tongue. “You see, Emily? This is the problem with trying to be nice. Contrary to my advice, you didn’t use that during the divorce proceedings. It would have headed a lot of this nonsense off at the pass. I suggest we prepare a formal letter to inform your ex-husband that we can and will use said photographic evidence if he wants to stir the pot.” He snickered. “That ought to shut him up. Even better yet, let’s meet with his lawyer and do it face-to-face.”

Relief started to spread through my body. George was right. Lionel could bluster all he wanted, but he didn’t hold all the cards. I did, and I needed to remember that when he threatened me. He wouldn’t be able to take my little Juniper from me. If he kept it up, he was going to lose joint custody.

The evidence of drug use would be a good start. I didn’t want to use it, but I also couldn’t let him push me around.

“I’ll call your receptionist later and set up an appointment,” I said.

“Good, good. And Emily, don’t worry. There’s no judge in Tennessee who would give Lionel Blue full custody on such flimsy grounds.”

“Thank you, George.”