Lionel stared at me, his

face tight. “I think we should get back together.”

I stared at him for a long while, waiting for him to laugh. When he didn’t, I did.

“I’m not joking,” Lionel said flatly. “I think we should.”

“I thought I was selfish and that I couldn’t satisfy you. You just said I was unfit!”

He waved a hand. “I’m willing to overlook that for our daughter. And if I’m around, it doesn’t matter that you have…problems.”

My hand itched to slap him again. “I’d say something about hell freezing over, but I wouldn’t even get back together with you then.”

Lionel’s face darkened. “Fine then, but if you’re thinking you don’t need me because of Logan Hawkins, well, that’s over. You either break up with him, or I go back to court and go for full custody. Whether or not we get together, I’m not going to allow that man to be around my daughter.”

I was about to say something when the door opened, and Juniper peeked through.

“Is Daddy coming inside?” she asked.

Lionel shot her a bright smile. “Sure, sweet pea. I’ll come in.” He walked over to the door, shooting me an evil look.

I watched him, my breathing shallow. I didn’t understand Lionel at all. I’d been the one who divorced him, and afterward, he’d never seemed interested in getting back together at all.

Why did he suddenly want to get back together after two years? Just because another man was interested in me? I wondered if this was about him not wanting me to happy. Even if I got back together with him, he’d cheat on me, and I’d be forced to divorce him again.

I groaned and rubbed my temples. It didn’t matter. There was no way I would ever consider getting back together with him. Juniper didn’t need two parents who were fighting all the time.

But that still left the question of Logan. I couldn’t do anything that might risk me losing my daughter.

I sucked in a breath and wondered what I should do.

* * *

As I remembered the confrontation with Lionel, my heart pounded like he was right there in front of me. I took several deep breaths and rubbed my hands together in my lap.

“Is everything okay?” Logan asked. “You kind of spaced out there, and you don’t look so good.”

My face heated. A good fifteen minutes had passed, but I’d barely been paying attention to anything Logan had even been saying. Something about his dogs and an old business partner, maybe?

I shook my head fiercely. “Nothing, just thinking about everything that has happened.” I put on a fake smile. “I guess I let my mind wander. I’m really sorry.” I let out a strained chuckle. “What were we talking about again?”

“I was just wondering if you were having any trouble with work because of having to take the surprise time off. I don’t know if there’s anything I can do, but if there is, let me know.”

I waved a hand. “No, I’m fine. My boss is very understanding, and I had plenty of days saved up.” A shrug followed. I glanced up at the clock. “We better get going.”

Logan frowned. “Really? But it’s still pretty early.”

I stood abruptly, my heart pounding. “She’s not recovered all the way, and it’s still important she gets her rest.” I hurried into the living room, not waiting for him to respond. “Juniper,” I called. “We need to get going.”

Juniper stopped chasing one of the dogs around to pout at me. “But I don’t wanna go.”

“Juniper Blue, when I say we need to get going, it’s time to get going.” I regretted my sharp tone. It wasn’t her fault her daddy was a bastard.

She sighed and nodded, though she kept her bottom lip out.

“You’re welcome to come another night,” Logan said from behind me. “Or on the weekend.”

“Yay,” Juniper said.