Yeah, he was a nice-looking man. Dark hair and dark eyes, tall, filled out his black suit well, but not too muscular, nice and lean. Handsome face. Too bad I couldn’t be meeting him.

I shook my head. Who was I, Lionel? I couldn’t be checking other men when I was supposed to be on a date. Even if I didn’t have any sort of commitment to Logan yet, I didn’t want to start anything on the wron

g foot.

A check of my watch revealed the time was 11:30 a.m. I started to wonder if this whole thing was going to be a waste of time in more than one way. I didn’t like the idea of spending my lunch hour waiting for a man who didn’t feel like he needed to be on time.

I pulled my phone from my purse and checked it. No calls since Mama’s that morning.

I only barely stopped myself from groaning. I didn’t even have Logan’s number.

Questions swirled in my mind. Did that make this whole thing a blind date, then? A blind date set up by our mothers? My stomach churned at the thought. How pathetic.

I slipped my phone back into my purse and looked up. The handsome guy from before was smiling at me. Oof. What a bright and wonderful smile. Such nice teeth. I didn’t even know teeth could be that white outside of television.

He waved at me. I pointed to myself to make sure it wasn’t a mistake, and he laughed and motioned for me to come there.

My cheeks warmed. It’d been a long time since I’d been hit on. Unfortunately, I’d have to let him down nicely, unless I got lucky and Logan never showed up.

I headed over to the handsome man’s table. His smile only grew as I closed on him.

“Emily, right?” the handsome man said.

I blinked and stared at him. No. It couldn’t be.

“Logan?” I asked.

The smile turned into a mischievous grin, which only made him more handsome. “In the flesh. I guess we should have sent pictures.”

I let out a nervous laugh. “Yes.”

I managed not to comment on how young he looked for his age. I wasn’t sure if he’d find that insulting.

Slipping into the seat, I offered him a smile back. Well, the date was off to only a semi-awkward start, and at least I couldn’t complain that Logan wasn’t nice to look at.

Chapter Four


I offered Emily a bright smile. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but she would easily be considered beautiful by most men, including me, with her stunning hazel eyes. Her long brown hair fell past her shoulders. She was younger than I’d expected, or at least she was younger looking. Mother told me she was thirty-two, but she looked younger by several years.

Annoyingly enough, my mother was right. She was rather curvy, and I could tell that even with the loose white work shirt and blue jacket she wore as part of her work ensemble. Disappointment filled me, and I couldn’t help but wonder what she’d have looked like in a nice, elegant, if a bit revealing, evening dress.

My lower half stirred a bit, and I was glad I was already sitting. One problem with not dating was that I wasn’t exactly getting regular sex either. Having this beautiful woman right in front of me, even dressed so prim and proper, was like throwing a bottle of water to a man who just finished a hike through the desert.

I resisted the urge to shake out the thought. This was some lunchtime meeting forced on both of us by our mothers. Of course, Emily wasn’t going to show up in some slinky, sexy dress. It was stupid of me even to be thinking that way, even if I couldn’t force my mind off the thought.

Emily gave me a slight smile and glanced down at her watch before sitting down. I resisted a little witty barb asking if she had somewhere better to be. I didn’t know her that well yet, and she might not be able to understand my cutting sense of humor.

The waitress popped by before Emily could speak.

“Did you need anything, hon?” the waitress asked.

“Some sweet tea, please,” Emily said.

The waitress looked at me. “Need more coffee?”

“I’m good.”