Logan nodded. “I’m here now. We’ll go in together and wait for your mother.”

He pulled out of the hug and then turned and took my hand. “I’m here for you and Juniper. Always remember that.”

I managed a smile as he opened the door, and we stepped inside.

Chapter Twenty-six


Stepping inside, the sight of pale Juniper sitting with her eyes closed and tubes running into her made my stomach clench. She looked so small, so vulnerable there, and at that moment, I wanted to do everything I could to make her better.

I forced a smile on my face. The last thing Emily needed was me looking worried. I couldn’t make her daughter’s illness go away, but I could provide her strength as a man who cared about her and Juniper.

Juniper remained asleep, which I hoped was a good thing. After all, a little good rest always helped me when I was sick. I took the flowers and put them on the windowsill.

I’m sure she would have preferred some toys to flowers, but they would have to do.

Emily collapsed into the only chair, and I walked to her side, content to support her with my presence. She didn’t say anything, and so I put my hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. She reached up to pat my hand before dropping her own.

I couldn’t pretend to know what she was going through, even if the sight of the sick little girl in front of us upset me. I’d never had children, and even my dogs had never had any serious health issues. The problem with illness was it wasn’t a situation you could throw effort at to resolve. It really was out of her hands.

I might not have understood what it meant to be a parent with a sick child, but I did understand, all too well, what it felt like to have a situation out of your hands. A lifetime of business dealings had made me all too familiar with that feeling.

We stayed like that for a good twenty minutes. No talking, nothing but just watching Juniper. She occasionally stirred in her sleep but didn’t wake up, but I wondered if she would soon, as she was moving more and more.

“Do you think I’m selfish?” Emily said, breaking the long silence.

“What?” I didn’t bother to hide the surprise in my voice. It was an odd question, for sure, especially considering the situation.

“Do you think I’m selfish?” she repeated.

I shook my head. “No, why would you even think that? Think about everything you do for your daughter.”

“Lionel said I was. I only wanted him to come to be here for Juniper. That’s what we were arguing about.” Emily rubbed her eyes. “I’ve never wanted things to be difficult with him.”

“Don’t worry about Lionel,” I said. “He’s an ass. And we both know who the selfish one is.”

“Thank you, Logan.”

A light knock on the door interrupted our conversation, and Sally stepped inside a few seconds later, a blanket in one hand and a bucket full of LEGOs in the other. She shot a concerned look over at Juniper.

“Thanks for picking up the LEGOs and blanket, Mama,” I said.

“I’m glad I could be of some help.” Sally glanced my way, a curious glint in her eye that made my neck and shoulders tense. I really hoped she didn’t decide to use this opportunity to grill us about the state of our relationship.

Juniper murmured a bit and then blinked open her eyes, taking all of our attention. She glanced at Sally, Emily, and then me, managing a weak smile.

“Hey, Mama,” Juniper said weakly. “Grandma. Mr. Hawkins.”

“Hey, sweet pea,” Emily said. Despite her best attempt to keep a smile plastered on her face, the pain was obvious in her eyes. I only barely resisted pulling her into a hug.

“Hello, dear,” Sally said. With a smile, Sally placed the bucket on a small rolling overbed table and tucked the blanket over Juniper.

There was another knock, and a doctor entered. He looked at the three adults and then over at the girl. “I’d like to discuss Juniper’s condition.”

Emily nodded and rose. “Can we talk out in the hallway? Mama, you should come hear what he has to say.”

The doctor nodded. “That’s fine.” He stepped into the hallway. Emily and Sally followed.