I could hear the sneering in his voice and only regretted there was no way to slap him over the phone. Someone needed to make an app for that. Maybe I’d ask Logan to fund it.

“I said you’re selfish,” Lionel said. “I’m sure Logan will figure that out soon enough, and then he’ll get smart like I did and go looking for someone else to sleep with who isn’t so selfish.”

“I divorced you, Lionel, not the other way around, and I went out of my way not to destroy you, which I’m regretting with each passing day.”


I took several deep breaths. “Besides, I’m…not with Logan. He’s just a friend.”

“A friend you go on overseas trips with. Without your daughter? Give me a break.”

I reconsidered smashing my phone on the ground. “He wanted Juniper to come. The timing didn’t work out.”

“Well now. That’s mighty convenient for you now, isn’t it?”

I ground my teeth. “Will you not be a bastard for one minute?”


snickered. “You see, all you ever think about is how things affect you. Even during our marriage, you never understood my needs. It’s why I had to stray.”

“Screw you, Lionel. Besides, this isn’t about you and me. It’s about your daughter.”

He let out a short groan. “I have to show my new girlfriend a good time. I promised her, and a man’s got to keep his promises. Just because Juniper’s a little sick doesn’t mean I need to cancel my trip. Pneumonia? Big deal. It’s not 1918. She’ll survive. It’s not like it makes a difference if I come and visit her. She’ll get better either way.”

“I can’t believe you. I called you to let you know your daughter is in the hospital, but you’re more concerned about screwing some twenty-year-old on a trip. Why do you even care? It’s not like you’ll be together with her in a month.”

“She’s twenty-one, by the way, not twenty.” Lionel clucked his tongue. “And remove that log from your eye, Emily. Like you didn’t sleep with Logan Hawkins on your trip.”

My pulse thundered in my ears. “Shut your damn mouth. I’ve hated you for a while, but I always at least thought you gave a damn about your daughter. Go on your trip, and if your daughter asks for you, I’m going to make it clear where you are, you damned piece of garbage bastard. I hope they lose your luggage, and your new girlfriend gives you a disease right before your house burns down.”

“Now, you listen to me—”

I ended the call and dropped the phone into my purse. Leaning against the wall, I tried to calm down. My heart thundered, and my breathing remained ragged.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I willed my tears not to fall.

Someone cleared their throat, and I jumped to the side, startled.

“Sorry to scare you,” said a familiar voice.

Logan stood before me, a colorful bouquet of flowers in a glass vase in hand. “Also, remind me to never make you mad.”

I shook my head and then looked away. “I-I was calling Lionel, and I was surprised by some of his rude attitude.”

Logan shrugged and shot me a smile. “I’m not exactly his biggest fan.” He spread his arms out for a hug.

I rushed into his arms, and he wrapped them around me. The familiar warmth of his chest calmed me, reminding me that not all men were like Lionel. He rubbed my back. I only barely held back my tears.

“Am I stupid for being scared?” I whispered into his chest.

“You’re her mother. It’d be strange if you weren’t scared.”

“She’s never been in the hospital before, and she’s so young.” I exhaled onto his chest as he continued to rub my back. “She’s everything to me. I’d give my life for her.”

“I know, Emily. I know. I’ll talk with the doctors. If there’s anything they need, equipment, medicine, specialists, I’ll make sure they get it, but this hospital does have a good reputation.”

“I know, I know.” I sighed. “And thank you, both for your offer and for being here. Mama’s coming soon, but it’s hard to be alone when my little sweet pea is so sick.”