Juniper was already waiting on the porch, her small pink rolling suitcase beside her. She waved both arms as Emily opened the door.

She sprinted through the sheets of rain to her daughter, grabbing her suitcase with one hand and her daughter’s hand with another.

My heart did a little flip at the sight.

“Calm down, damn you,” I whispered.

I don’t know why I even bothered. It’s not like my heart was going to listen.

Mother and daughter rushed toward the limo.

The front door opened, and Lionel stepped out. He was too far away to make out his expression, but I could only imagine what he thought seeing his wife and daughter rushing to a limousine. He had to know it was mine.

The thought filled me with more than a little satisfaction. The cheating bastard. Truly, a pearls before swine situation between Emily and him.

I hopped out of the car and rushed around the back to grab Juniper’s suitcase and put it in the trunk before closing it. Soon, all three of us were safely ensconced in my limousine.

I pressed the intercom button again. “Please take me back to Emily’s house.”

“Yes, sir.”

Juniper snuggled up against her mother. “Mama, I’m so happy you’re back.”

Emily squeezed her daughter, her face lit up with joy. “I’m glad to be back, my little sweet pea.” She kissed her on the forehead. “Did you have a good time?”

“We played some games and went out to ice cream a lot. Daddy’s new girlfriend doesn’t eat ice cream though. She’s mean to milk.”

“What?” Emily said.

“They told me in school that intolerant means being mean. Daddy’s new girlfriend said she was lactose intolerant, and Daddy says lactose is from milk.”

I managed not to burst out laughing. Emily chuckled and ruffled her daughter’s hair.

Juniper pulled away from her mother to surprise me with a tight hug. I hugged her back.

She deposited herself between the two of us and then shook her finger at me. “Next time, I go.”

“Sure, Juniper. Whatever you want.”

Emily laughed softly.

The next few minutes, Juniper regaled us with a detailed rundown of the various types of fast food and ice cream she’d eaten while we were away and her progress on various LEGO sets. The attention to detail was outstanding, even more so since she seemed to like working on multiple projects.

The car finally pulled up to their house. I again told my chauffeur to pop the trunk and stay inside.

“You and Juniper make a run for it,” I said to Emily. “I’ll get your bags.”

“No, I can’t—”

“Yes, you can. I’m a billionaire. I do what I want.” I winked.

Emily rolled her eyes and then grinned down at Juniper. “Are you ready, sweet pea? We’re going to have to run hard to avoid getting too wet.”

Juniper nodded, her face a mask of stoic determination.

Her mother threw open the door. Emily and Juniper ran toward her front door at full speed, both laughing as they hit the porch and escaped the worst of the pouring rain.

I scooted over and jumped out on their side, slamming the door closed behind me. Emily’s compact packing pleased me as I grabbed her suitcase and then her daughter’s and began my jog to their porch. By the time I arrived, she had the door open and was standing inside with Juniper right behind her.