"Looks like I don't have to because you've already thought about it," Makani smirked. "I was about to say you owe me for all the hours you've made me man this desk alone." I smiled.

"Can I repay you in gratitude and goodwill?" I tried.

"How much of my rent can I pay with that?" she joked.

"How about a full play-by-play of what happens today?"

"That's more like it. Go have fun," she said. "Your choice of partner could have been better, but you deserve to relax a little."

"Thanks, Makani," I said. I started for the back to get changed.

"Oh, Abby," she called.


"He is a guest, and he is going to leave. Just don't let yourself think that that day isn't going to come," she cautioned.

I nodded and went to the changing room. I wasn't going to forget. I knew that. I wouldn't have gotten myself into being his tour guide today if I had forgotten. This was...

It was a lot of things. I cared about Nate, and I wanted to help him with his addiction; and that meant the less time he had alone to think about using, the better. I was sure he didn't have sex with all his tour guides, but I didn't

have sex with all the guests. We had something, a connection or whatever, but it didn't have to make things complicated.

Maybe we'd talk about it today. No, we definitely had to talk about it.

I got into a pair of shorts and halter top before making my way up to Nate's suite. I knocked on the door. We had just been on the phone, and he sounded like he was okay, not like last night. Still, I was nervous which Nate was about to come to the door. He pulled it open. He wasn't dressed. He was still in the same thing he had been wearing when I had left him: a towel. He ran a hand through his wet hair.


"Are you ready, Mr. Stone?" I asked, looking pointedly at the towel. Clearly, he wasn't. He opened the door wider letting me walk in.

"Thanks for telling your boss you wanted to take me out today," he said. "Listen. About last night… I was a mess."

"Mm-hmm, I was there. I remember," I said smiling. I wasn't mad, but he looked apologetic.

"I'm really sorry about what I said to you. I can't even say I was loaded or anything. I was an asshole last night."

"Don't apologize."

"I mean it, Abby. I-"

"Really, Nate. If I were mad, I wouldn't have asked to see you again today. Just forget about it. If you're really sorry, what you need to work on for me is getting up closer to sunrise than sunset," I said walking into the bedroom. "Have you eaten already?"

"I want to make it up to you," he said. I walked to the couch finding the clothes I had left there for him before I had left that morning. Same as the day before: dark jeans and a long sleeve shirt. We really needed to do something about that. He looked crazy walking around in seventy-degree weather dressed like the Grim Reaper.

"Then hurry up and get dressed. We're losing daylight," I said, giving him the clothes. He took the clothes, coming closer to me.

"Thank you," he said. He kissed me lightly before walking over to the bed and starting to get dressed.

I left the room that time. We were probably past that kind of modesty, but I liked to think that I was at least trying to be professional. He was done quickly, and we were on the road again, right after grabbing a swimsuit for him from the gift shop. The place we were going today didn't have swimmable waters, but I couldn't take him to another beach dressed in his mourning gear.

He didn't ask me where we were going when we got on the road. He just let me take him. I kept glancing over at him as I drove, just to make sure he was all right. The night before had been...interesting. I had read up on what withdrawal did to people so I knew that even though he was sitting there, looking fairly comfortable, he was most likely very uneasy.

Had he done anything when I was gone? I wondered. Had he used at all?

I didn't like thinking that he had done that when I was gone, especially since he had managed to get through the night. But if he had, well, today was another day.

We got to the beach and into our swimsuits. He had been really opposed to getting the swimsuit, but I managed to finally convince him, telling him that he was embarrassing me. He wasn’t, I had only been teasing, but it had worked. He had let me pick it, and I had only gone with a pair of board shorts because getting him a speedo would have just been taking advantage of him.