“Are you ready?” Anna asked me.

“For what?”

“For a new beginning, a new chapter of your life,” she asked.

“More than anything,” I said, and we drove toward her house.

When we got to her house, Ally was already there. They had a few beers waiting for us, and we had a celebratory drink together.

“To Justin!” Anna said.

“To Justin!” everyone said at once.

After a quick drink, her parents and Ally left. It was just me and Anna.

“Do you want me to help bring Margie to your car?”

“How about we leave her where she is, and I’ll just spend the night?” I asked.

Her eyes lit up. “That’ll work, too.”

Finally, everything felt right. I had the girl of my dreams, whom I was madly in love with and who loved me and my daughter. I was going to be able to pay my off debts and start fresh with her and Margie. I was more than ready for the next chapter of my life.



“You know, it was a year ago today that I kicked your ass,” I said to Tyler. I was trying to provoke him. I knew what I was getting myself into. I wanted to get him fired up.

He cocked his head to one side, “Careful what you say, Justin,” he said.

“Or what?” I said, testing him.

“Or you’re going to regret it.” he said, with a smirk on his face.

Tyler hit me. He was tougher and faster now. It was almost hard for me to keep up with him. I went to block his next hit, and in an instant, he had me on the mat in a rear naked choke. I tapped the mat next to him.

We both got up off the mat and made our way out of the ring. I nodded and smiled at Tyler. I was proud of the progress he’d made in the last year.

“Great work, man; I told you if you can get someone to submit you’ll have every fight in the bag,” I said to him as we took a break.

“You were right. They are easy to use. Too bad you don’t fight anymore,” he said.

“Being a coach is a lot more fitting for me,” I said with a laugh. “And watch the cockiness. It’s gonna get you in trouble.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever, man,” he said.

I removed my protective sparring gear and let Tyler know he was good for the day before heading into my office to get some of the more mundane tasks done. I sat down to fill out some paperwork when I noticed Artie passing by.

“Hey, Artie, what do you think about Tyler’s new moves?” I called out to him.

“They’re great. You’re turning him into a beast. Now that he knows all the big submission holds, no one is gonna stand a chance against him. You were a great fighter, but you’re an even better coach, Justin,” he said.

“That’s because I’ve had the best mentor in the game,” I said.

“Flattery won’t get you another raise,” Artie laughed. “Make sure Tyler gets his cocky attitude under control.”

“I’m trying,” I said.