I watched him smile at Anna, and it made my stomach turn. I didn’t like him looking at her. She turned back around and stood up.

“You can do it, Justin! I love you!” she yelled from the crowd.

It made me feel good to know she was there and she was cheering me on. She believed in me and supported me, and I was going to win this. I smiled at her. She knew I needed that right then, and I was glad to have her there.

The bell dinged, and I got back into the center with Tyler. We bounced around for a minute and just as he was about to hit me with an uppercut, I grabbed his arm and flipped him to the ground, but he got out of the hold. I hadn’t been able to get a good grip on him when I flipped him over.

He got me with a left hook.

I knew there was no way I could get him in that hold and hold him down. He was too strong, too fast, and too unpredictable for a move like that. I didn’t wait for anything; I wasn’t going to try and anticipate his moves anymore. I was just going to go for it as hard and as fast as I could.

I took a few deep breaths, and I felt the world slow down around me. Everything was moving in slow motion as I went for my first straight jab at his face. And then another. And then another. Tyler was stumbling a little, but he could have regained his composure if I took too long to make a decision.

I went for two left hooks and an uppercut without stopping or thinking, and to my surprise, he stumbled back farther, losing his footing, and then he fell to the ground.

When he didn’t move for a couple seconds, the ref ran over. “KO’ed!” he yelled to the crowd who then burst into loud cheers.

“JUSTIN! JUSTIN! JUSTIN! JUSTIN!” They screamed my name over and over again.

I couldn’t believe it. I just won my final fight. I was in the clear. I put my fist in the air, and the crowd screamed more.

I looked over at Artie, who was crying and cheering at the same time.

I went outside of the cage just as Anna was coming over to me. I picked her up and spun her around. I gave her a huge kiss.

“I knew you could do it!” she said. Her voice was full of excitement and relief.

“It’s all because of you,” I said and kissed her once more.

“Are you okay?” she said with concern. She was examining my face; I was probably more beat up than usual.

“Yes, baby. I’m okay,” I said.

The crowd was coming over to us, surrounding us and asking for signatures. Then I saw Markie make his way through the crowd.

I braced myself for our final showdown.

“Justin,” he said, with the same intimidating tone he always used.

I wondered what excuse he was going to make for me winning all four of my fights.

“Markie,” I said, standing my ground. Just because I won didn’t mean I was going to bow down to him.

“I guess you won,” he said. His voice was still unkind, and I knew he would never show me respect. No matter what I did.

“I guess so. And that was my fourth fight,” I said.

“That it was.” He put a hand out for me to shake. I was hesitant but ultimately decided to shake his hand. “You did good, kid. You’re all clear. I’ll get the money to you in 24 hours.”

It felt good to have him say that. As strange as the whole thing was, he had helped me learn some things about myself.

“Thank you,” I said.

He smiled at Anna with that same sickening look, and it took everything in me not to pound his face in. I knew that would only lead to worse consequences.

Then he turned and walked away, and even though everything was said and done, I still didn’t like the guy. I hoped I would never have to see him again.

“So that’s Markie?” Anna asked.