We bounced around. I kept an eye on him. He went for a left hook, but I ducked before his hand even came close to me, and I was able to come at him with a right hook in one smooth motion. He was taken aback.

“I see why you’re where you are,” he said with a laugh. “You’ve gotten a lot quick


“Thanks,” I said and went for a left hook. I missed him by an inch.

“Maybe not fast enough,” he said.

“Oh really?” I asked and went faster than he could keep up with. I got him from behind and took him to the ground using the rear naked choke, and he tapped out.

“Damn, man,” Joe said after I helped him get up. “That was good.”

“I know,” I said. “Wanna take back what you said about me not being fast enough, now?”

Artie gave me a look, and I knew he was telling me to watch my cockiness. I couldn’t help it when I made Joe tap out. He had always been a better fighter than me, so the fact that I had been evading him and had also been able to make him tap out was huge for me.

“I’m up against Tyler this Friday,” I told Joe as we took a water break.

“Really? I haven’t seen him in a long time.”

“Me either. He fights dirty,” I said and used my towel to wipe the sweat from my forehead and neck.

“I’ve heard that, but you’ve got this. I know you, Justin. You don’t give up easily.”

“Thanks, man,” I said.

We got back into the ring and started sparring again. He took me down, and I knew it was because I had let myself get too cocky. I was glad it happened then because I knew what could hold me back on Friday. I needed to get a handle on it before then.

I needed to know what my weak points were. This was the final fight. Winning this would mean my freedom from Markie and everything else. I was going to make it out of this without any complications. I just needed to stay focused

“Keep your focus, Justin,” Artie said when I got back up.

I focused on Joe, and as he came at me, I moved the side, and he almost fell face first onto the mat.

“There you go. Joe, make sure you know where you’re aiming.”

We nodded at Artie to let him know that we heard and understood him. Then we turned our attention back to the ring. I looked at him and anticipated his next moves. He was going to go for an uppercut or left hook. So, I made sure to get three uppercuts in first.

He stumbled back and then looked back at me and went for my legs. He picked me up and took me to the ground, but before he could do anything, I got him into an armbar, and a few seconds later he tapped out again.

Artie clapped. “Yes, Justin. That’s it. You were taken down, but you didn’t hesitate on the ground. You went right for what you thought you should. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks. That means a lot, Artie,” I said. It did feel good to have him say that to me. I felt more confident and less cocky.

“I know you can do well, Justin. I’ve seen you put a lot of focus in lately, and it’s made a world of a difference. I know you get irritated with me, but it’s my job to tell you what to do. I want to make sure you win your fights.”

“I know, Artie. I’m sorry I get irritated. This is just stressful.”

“That’s why you won’t do this again. Right?” he said with a smile.

I nodded. After a small break, I got back in the ring for a few more rounds with Joe. I was surprised at how easy it was for me to keep taking him out. He got a few good hits in, but not enough to make me back down or tap out.

After another hour of going back and forth, Joe had to take off. I told him we’d catch up after my final fight and maybe get a beer together.

“You’ll have to tell me all about the new girl,” he said.

“Yeah, I will,” I said with pride. I wasn’t one to get weird with my friends about having a girl in my life. I was always honest and respectful.