“Anna?” Margie asked from beside me.

“Yes, sweetie?” I looked down at her. Every time I looked at her, I was taken aback by how cute she was. Getting to know her was such a blessing.

“Are you going to be my new mommy?” she asked.

It took me a second to process her question, and when I did, my heart melted. It was the sweetest thing I had ever heard.

“I don’t know, Margie.” I watched her hopeful smile turn into a sad face, and it broke my heart, so I added, “I will always be your friend, at the very least.”

“Really?” her hopeful smile returned.

“Yes, really!” I said. “I’ll always be here for you if you need someone to talk to or play with that isn’t your dad.”

“That’ll work,” Margie said, and I laughed at how nonchalant she was.

I was glad my promise made her smile. I was happy to know that she wanted me in her life that way; it made me feel optimistic about my place in Justin’s life. I loved them both so much more than I ever thought I could love any one, but I didn’t really know how Justin felt about me. I was sure I had an idea, but I didn’t want to be wrong.

We watched Justin for a bit longer before he stepped out of the ring and walked over to us. I offered to take them to lunch, and as he headed to go change, my phone rang. It was my mom.

“Hey, mom,” I said into the phone.

“Hi, honey. We want to see you again. Would you be able to come to lunch?” she asked.

I looked at Margie. “It’s my mom. Would you like to go to lunch with her and my dad?”

Margie nodded her head, excitedly. “Yes! I want to see them!”

I loved how excited she was. Margie’s joyful energy was infectious. “Okay. Where were you guys thinking?”

“We are at Sunshine Bistro Sandwich and Soup. Do you know it?”

“Yes, I do. In fact, we are at Justin’s gym right now. It’s just right around the corner. We’re waiting for him to get changed, and then we should be there.”

“Okay, sounds good,” she said. “See you soon.”

I pressed “end call” on my phone just as Justin came out of the locker room, still in the same clothes he wore while he had been training.

“I’m sorry to ruin our plans,” he started saying. “Artie wants me to stay and work on some new moves.”

“No,” Margie said in protest. “We were going to go to lunch with Nana and Papa.”

I smiled at her use of the names they’d given themselves before I looked back at Justin to explain.

“My mom just called. They’re over at Sunshine’s. Maybe I can take Margie, and we can bring you a sandwich when we’re done?”

“That’ll work,” he said. He gave Margie a kiss and a hug and then turned to me and did the same thing. I felt my heart skip a beat. I was falling so madly in love with this man. Every single day, every passing moment, made me fall harder for him. I only wished I could tell him.

“Thanks, Daddy,” Margie said.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart. You listen to Anna, okay? Be good.”

“I will!” she said, excitedly.

“I’m serious. You better behave,” he said.

“I will, Daddy. I promise.”

“Thanks, Justin,” I said.