“So am I.”

I nodded. I knew he’d lost his father. Mama had attended the funeral. It was another thing we shared in common, even if it was sad.

“It’s kind of strange how things change.”

“That it is.” He tilted his head, staring at me for a moment. The intensity of those dark eyes summoned a flash of warmth from my center, and I found myself wondering what kind of thoughts were going through the man’s head.

Then I wondered what it’d be like to kiss him, rolling around on the bed in the back. Passion at thirty-five thousand feet. I’d never thought about joining the Mile-High Club before.

What would it be like to run my hands over his chest, feel those nice arms? Had I already? We’d kissed at Mama’s dinner, but I didn’t remember any of it. Whatever had happened, it’d obviously been more than a peck on the cheek. Logan wouldn’t have been as interested in me otherwise. I was sure of that.

When we kissed, maybe we’d pressed our bodies together, my soft breasts against the hardness of his chest. A pulse of fire shot from my center.

Heat flooded my face, and I gasped. What was I thinking? This was just a trip. A few kisses didn’t mean I needed to share Logan’s bed, flying or otherwise. We weren’t an item. Not that kind. That’s what I kept telling myself.

He looked at me with concern. “Everything all right?”

“I’m fine. I’m fine.” I put down my wine glass and waved my hands in front of me. “Just, uh.” I bit my lip, this time hard. I wasn’t ready for this conversation. I needed something else to distract me. Another glance around the cabin brought a question to mind. “Just how rich are you?”

Logan stared at me for a second, his mouth quirking up in a smile like I’d told the first part of a joke, and he was waiting for the punchline. “You seriously don’t know?” he asked after a few seconds.

I shook my head. “You’re obviously doing better than me. You’re a businessman, and it seems like you’re doing well, but it would have been rude just to ask. So, I didn’t.”

This brought out a smirk. “And it’s not rude now?”

“Not when I’m a private jet with you and on my way to Tokyo. No.”

He nodded once and leaned back in his seat, watching me with newfound curiosity in his eyes. “I assumed you would have looked it up if you didn’t know.”

“This all started with our mamas arranging a date. It wasn’t something I’d planned.” I sighed. “I’m sorry. That was rude.”

He waved a hand dismissively. “I felt the same way, but now something good has come out of it.” He took another sip of his wine. “To answer your question, I’m a billionaire.”

My eyes widened. It’s not that I’d never talked with a billionaire before. I’d rubbed shoulders with a few at my mother’s charity events, but I’d never kissed one. That much was for certain.

Another thought struck me, and I burst out laughing. Logan furrowed his brow but said nothing.

When I finally calmed down, he asked, “I don’t understand why that amuses you so much.”

“You’re a billionaire. So you’ve got a lot more money than Lionel.” I shook my head. “Even if I didn’t look into it, he would have.” I swirled my finger in my own wine glass. “He probably already knows. No wonder he’s so angry you’ve been kissing me. He thinks I’ve traded up in the world.”

Logan snickered. “Then I’ll be sure to kiss you in front of him every chance I get.”

I laughed, even though a few naughty thoughts snuck back into my head. If I kept kissing him, something more was bound to happen. Maybe I wanted that though.

Yawning, I stretched. Saved by exhaustion.

“Tired already?” Logan asked.

“I just didn’t get a lot of sleep. A bit excited about the trip.” And worried, but I wasn’t about to say that.

He nodded toward the back cabin. “Feel free to get some sleep then.”

I rose and smiled. “Thank you for everything. I’m sure this will be one of the most memorable trips I’ve even gone on.”

“I hope so.”

Walking toward the back, I turned my words over in my head. I knew I’d remember this trip for years to come. I just didn’t know if I’d remember it as a disaster.