The fan high fived me. “That was so cool how you ended him like that! I bet he won’t talk trash about you anymore.”

“I hope not,” I said. Because I didn’t want anyone else talking bad about Tammy that way. It was bullshit. Just thinking about it was starting to make my blood boil again. I forced myself to focus on Anna instead. I immediately began to feel better. She was this calming presence in my life, and I didn’t think she even realized how much I did need that.

Chapter Twelve


I let Justin go when Artie told him to wrap things up. I planned to meet him in the back in a few minutes. I had to give him some time alone with his coach first. He won his fight, and I could not have been prouder of him. I always had faith in him, and I knew that he would bounce back after his last loss.

I had to admit it was scary during the second round. I thought for sure he was going to get knocked out then, but he came back hard. Something the guy said in the third round must have really pissed him off because he went after him with

a fire I had never seen before. It was crazy to watch. I made a mental note to ask him about it later.

“Hey, pretty lady. What are you doing all alone out here?” I heard someone say. I turned around to face a very fit, very muscular and tall guy. He had dark hair and blue eyes. He smelled of beer, and I could tell he was drunk. I was uncomfortable already.

“I’m here with someone. I’m just waiting for him,” I said. I hoped that was enough to make him back off. Men could be pigs sometimes, and I was used to it, but I had never been this nervous around someone before. He gave off a vibe that made my skin crawl.

“I don’t see him around,” he said and took a step closer to me.

I fought the urge to run or scream. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself. I wasn’t that type of person. Besides, he wasn’t threatening me. Yet.

“Because he’s busy,” I said growing more irritated with each passing moment. I didn’t know what this guy was going to do, and it was really starting to bother me that he wouldn’t just back the fuck off.

He took a couple more steps toward me, and I took a couple backward. This guy was starting to cross a line. I wished I had pepper spray on me. It was moments like this that it would have come in handy.

“How about you come home with me, and I’ll show you a good time?” he licked his lips, and I cringed.

“I said, I’m here with someone,” I told him through gritted teeth.

“Your boy left you out here alone. Obviously, he doesn’t know how to treat you right. If I were your man, I’d never let you out of my sight.” Again, he took a few more steps towards me, and I backed up even more.

My stomach turned. I couldn’t believe the nerve of this guy. “I’m here with Justin Simon. The guy who just won that fight.”

The guy’s eyes went wide, and he started backing away from me. He put his hands up in self-defense.

“Oh. I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I didn’t mean any disrespect. Please don’t tell him.” The guy started backing away quickly.

“What? Why?” I said with a laugh. I should have used his name sooner. Had I known the guy was going to back off like he did.

“He’ll fuck me up. I’m so sorry. I meant no disrespect. Tell Justin, I said, he did great tonight and I’m a huge fan.” The guy turned and practically ran away from me.

I couldn’t believe how scared the guy got when I dropped Justin’s name. That was definitely going to be a perk. I hated when creepy guys, especially drunk ones, hit on me.

I decided it had been enough time and started making my way toward the back. It was hard to get through as there were a lot of people back there. I figured they were all fans that wanted things signed or to talk to the fighters. I spotted Artie and started to weave my way through the crowd toward him.

“Watch it,” a random girl said when I tried to squeeze past her. “I was here first.”

“Excuse me,” I mumbled and continued to fight my way through the crowd.

I finally reached Artie after quite a few people had told me to “fuck off.”

“Hey, Anna, right?” he asked.

I held out my hand. “Yes. You must be Artie,” I said.

He shook my hand. “That I am. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” His statement was weird to me.

“What do you mean?” I said with a laugh.