“Logan. Me. All alone in Japan?”

“You told me he reserved you your own room.”

“He did.”

A faint smirk appeared on her face. “Then you don’t have to do anything you don’t want, dear. Besides, even if you’re not interested in Logan, you can see the country. You’ve always complained to me about how you didn’t get to travel much when you were married to Lionel.” She gestured vaguely toward my front door. “Now’s your chance.”

“But I don’t know what I feel about Logan.” I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. “I’m not going to say I don’t like him. I do. But our kisses weren’t about each other. They were about making Lionel mad.”

“Hush, you.” Mama wagged a finger at me. “There’s something there. You’re just afraid of it because you think everyone is Lionel.” She narrowed her eyes. “Not every man is Lionel. Your father was loyal to me his entire life. You need to give Logan a chance.”

“Just because I’m going on a trip with him doesn’t mean I’m going to marry him.”

She laughed quietly. “Of course not, Emily, but it at least it means you’re trying.”

A loud knock came from the door. I swallowed and looked over at it. “It’s him.”

“Too late now to run.”

“But what if there’s a problem with Juniper?”

“I will handle it.” She shook her head. “I can handle my granddaughter if her foolish father can’t.”

Another knock sounded. Mama hurried over to throw open the door. Logan stood there, a smile on his face, handsome as always. This time he had on a pair of dark slacks and a cream-colored shirt. I realized it was the first time I’d seen him in something more casual.

I liked it. For one thing, it better showed off his arms.

“Good morning, Logan,” Mama said, beaming at him.

“Good morning, Mrs. Jolie.”

“She’s all packed and ready.” She nodded my way. “And she’s been talking about how much she’s been looking forward to this.”

“Really?” He shot me a grin. “I’ve been thinking about this all weekend.”

“So have I,” I said. It was the truth, after all. He didn’t need to know I was panicking about the trip the entire weekend.

“Ready to go?” Logan said, heading over to grab my suitcases. He nodded toward the front.

I peered out the front door. A black limousine waited on the street. Maybe I s

houldn’t have been so surprised, but I guess I’d gotten used to him driving himself everywhere. He’d save money on long-term parking, at least. Not that it would be more expensive than a limo.

Mama walked over and pulled me into a tight embrace. “Don’t overthink it, Emily,” she whispered into my ear.

Logan headed toward the limo with my bags. I hugged Mama back and then hurried after. The chauffeur popped the trunk and then stepped out to grab the bags from Logan.

Lord help me, I was about to fly to Japan with Logan Hawkins.

* * *

The trip through the airport security went swiftly. Logan had some sort of expedited approval already set up. It made sense for him, as he traveled all the time, but I didn’t understand why I got through as quickly, but I also wasn’t going to complain.

As we pulled our bags through the terminal, I watched Logan, my heart thumping the entire time. Could I still run? What would he think if I did? Once I got on the plane, it’d be a long time to think over my choice. Sixteen hours with only one stop in Chicago.

I’d never been on a plane for so long. We hadn’t talked much about the actual flight. I hoped he sprang for First Class, but I wasn’t about to ask and seem like some sort of greedy gold digger.

He turned a corner, and I realized we were heading away from the main terminal area.