“Lay flat,” he said.

I flattened my body and a few seconds later felt him begin to enter me again. Because my legs were together and not apart, not only did it feel extra deep because he was entering me from behind, but I also felt so much tighter than normal.

“Oh, fuck,” I said again as he began to move at a faster pace.

“Holy shit,” he moaned.

He picked up the pace even more, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. The pleasure in this position was more intense than the last time. More intense than I ever thought sex could feel.

I felt myself starting to get close again. It felt so amazing as I felt myself getting closer and closer. He was hitting my g-spot perfectly, and finally, I felt my release. My body shook uncontrollably beneath him, but he didn’t stop. With each continued thrust, my pleasure built. I fought the urge to scream out my ecstasy.

And a few thrusts later, he called out, “Oh my god, Anna,” as he began to come. I could feel him pulse inside of me, and I soaked up the feeling.

It might have been the best sex I had ever had in my life, and I was sure it was because of how intimate things had been between us. I couldn’t help the feelings that I knew were coming. Something about the way he said he needed me right before we had sex made the experience so much better for me. I had never really been told I was needed by anyone.

He pulled out of me, and I was a little sad it was over. Sex with him was amazing, and I wished it could just go on forever. I was already starting to think about the next time we could have sex.

“Was that good for you?” he asked as he pulled the condom off, and I rolled over.

I bit my lip. “Mmhmm,” I said and climbed off his bed to find my clothes.

We got dressed in silence, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Nothing with him seemed to be uncomfortable.

“Thank you for coming tonight,” he said.

I laughed. “Are you talking about in general or just now?” I couldn’t help myself.

Justin laughed. “Well, both. But seriously, thank you. I’m glad you got to meet Margie. You’re the first woman to meet her that wasn’t a babysitter or relative.”

“Well, I’m glad I got to meet her. She is so delightful, and I loved talking with her.” I meant it; Margie was a remarkable young lady. I just hoped I would get to spend more time with both her and Justin after the dinner with my parents. “I should probably get going. We don’t want her asking questions,” I said with a wink.

“I’ll walk you to your car,” he offered. We opened his bedroom door quietly and snuck out of the house. When we stepped outside, I was surprised by how warm the night still was. It was getting close to midnight, and this time of year went one of two ways: it was either pleasantly warm at night or still bitterly cold.

When we got to my car, I turned to look at him. “Thank you for dinner.”

“Thank you for helping.”

I smiled, and then he did something I had not been expecting: he leaned in and kissed me gently. His lips lingered against mine, and I felt myself melt into him.

“Get home safe,” he said before pulling back.

“I will,” I said.

I got into my car and started the engine. As I pulled out of the driveway, Justin watched me leave.

I thought about everything as I made my way home. A week ago, Justin told me he wouldn’t be able to see me anymore, and now here we were. I just left his house after some truly great sex, and I felt butterflies every time he looked at me. I just wasn’t sure what he was feeling. This was supposed to be pretend, so it would not be a big deal if it turned out to be part of the act.

I remembered how he invited me to his fight last weekend—that was before any of this fake boyfriend stuff. He didn’t have to invite me, but he did.

I tried not to over analyze things. I didn’t want to be that girl. The one who reads into everything. I just wanted to relax and have a fun time with him. I wanted to enjoy the ride we were on together.

I sent him a quick text when I got home.

Hey. I’m home safe.

It took less than a minute to receive his response.

Hey, you. Thanks for letting me know. Sleep good, okay?