I never even thought about it much until I found out I was having a daughter. That’s when I began to think about all the girls I messed with and hurt when I was younger, and suddenly, I wanted to take it all back. I did not want to ever hear about anything happening to my daughter like what my friends and I had once done to girls. I knew first-hand how awful males could be, especially teenage ones.

I wrapped my arms around my daughter and gave her a big hug. She felt so little in my arms. I was in shock that we were already having this conversation.

“Even if the boys are cute, you still shouldn’t be their girlfriend. You’re too young to be worrying about this kind of thing. You need to focus on your Barbie’s and ABC’S. Boys are bad news. Believe me; I know because I am one.”

“Okay, Daddy,” she said. After giving me a tight hug, she skipped off to her room to pick up the toys that were scattered on her floor.

An hour later, the doorbell rang. I was more nervous than I thought I would be, which I found a little weird because I hadn’t felt like this in a long time. I opened the door to see Anna standing on my doorstep. She was stunningly beautiful. Her dark hair was curled around her face, and her makeup was minimal. She didn’t come off as trying too hard, and I found that so sexy. She was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. It was casual, and I was glad that she wasn’t trying too hard to impress me.

“Hello, come in,” I said and moved away from the door to let her inside.

“Hi,” she said. She sounded a bit nervous, and for a moment I forgot about our Friday morning romp. But just that little thought caused my dick to twitch.

“Margie, honey, Anna’s here,” I called out to her. I saw as she poked her head out of her room and slowly made her way down the hall. She was being shy; I could tell even from that far away. This was normal for her. She didn’t really warm up to people unless she felt she could trust them. I looked at Anna and motioned toward the couch.

“Have a seat,” I said.

“Thank you,” she said and sat down on the couch.

Margie was at my side, and I decided to get down on her level would probably make her more comfortable. I knelt in front of her.

“Margie, I want you to meet my special friend, Anna.” I looked at Anna. “Anna, this is Margie, my daughter.”

Anna stuck her hand out, and Margie eyed it suspiciously. Anna moved her hand back to her side and shifted awkwardly.

“It’s very nice to finally meet you, Margie. I’ve heard so much about you,” Anna said.

Margie buried her face in my shoulder.

“She’s can be shy at first,” I explained.

Anna nodded her head.

“That’s okay,” she said. Then she turned to Margie and added, “When I was little, I was very shy too. I hated meeting new people. But you know what I did to help me feel better?”

Margie shook her head no.

“What did you do?” she asked.

“I would make sure to watch my daddy’s face, and if he didn’t seem bothered by the person and he seemed happy they were there, that told me the new person was okay, and I would start to warm up to them.”

I smiled at her response and wondered if that was true. I watched as Margie looked from me to Anna and back. I gave her a nod and a big smile.

“Anna’s a very nice lady. She’s the one that always makes Daddy feel better after my fights.”

Margie was no longer holding on to me as tightly, and within a few minutes, she moved to sit on the couch beside Anna. Though she didn’t sit close to her, I still thought it was progress.

It took another few minutes before Margie actually spoke to Anna. She watched with curious eyes, never looking away from her for long.

> “How do you get your hair like that?” Margie asked Anna suddenly.

“I curled it with a curling iron. Maybe I can curl your hair sometime?”

Margie nodded her head. “I think I would like that. It won’t hurt, will it?”

Anna shook her head. “No, no. Not as long as you’re careful. And I would be super careful with you,” she said.

Margie seemed to think about this for a moment and then nodded her head. She looked like she had more questions, but she waited a minute before asking anything else.