“Yeah, he agreed to do it, but he is bringing his four-year-old daughter with him.”

“Have you met her yet?” she asked.

“No, I’m going to his house on Sunday night for dinner. I’ll meet her then.”

“Dude, this is going to be so perfect. You’ll get mom and dad off your back about not being settled down yet, and you’ll gain a new boyfriend.”

I laughed. “I don’t know about that last part.”

“I do. He has it bad for you. I told you, I can tell. And look! He agreed to play your fake boyfriend. That means something.”

I debated telling her about the sex, but I didn’t want to give her that kind of ammunition to use against me later. I didn’t want her to use it to her advantage and embarrass me in front of him.

“I haven’t talked to mom and dad yet,” I said, changing the subject.

“I’m sure they’ll call soon. I’m not one hundred percent sure when they are supposed to be coming in. I hate when they do this.”

/> “You and me both,” I said with a sigh.

The rest of the day, I could not get Justin out of my head, and I started conjuring up some pretty intense sexual fantasies. I convinced myself not to read too much into things. It could have just been a one-time thing, and I would have to accept it if it was. Just because he agreed to play my fake boyfriend, that didn’t mean he was suddenly going to become my real one. Although, I knew I would settle for him as a fuckbuddy at this point. The man was a master in the sack.

I went home early since no one had called or shown up. I noticed my vagina was a little sore when I walked, and I could not help it when that turned me on all over again. It was like a constant reminder of what we did. Something secret just for me. I loved every second of it.

Chapter Nine


I woke up in a great mood on Sunday, but as the day dragged on, I grew more nervous. The minutes ticked away, counting down the time until Anna would be coming over to meet Margie. I didn’t know how Margie was going to react. She had never met a woman who wasn’t a family member or a close friend before. And she definitely never met one I was dating. Or at the very least, pretending to date.

Though to be fair, I hadn’t really dated anyone since my wife died, so it wasn’t like I’d been keeping anything from Margie. I had been trying to hide how I really felt from both Margie and myself. Mostly because I didn’t know what Margie would think. Would she be mad at me for dating someone? Or would she be happy for me because she didn’t really understand much about that yet?

I had to admit, I was excited for Anna to show up. I had not seen or talked to her since we fucked on the massage chair, but I thought about it and her non-stop. I just hoped she was thinking about me, too. And that I’d done a good job, that it was good for her. Anna was the first girl I’d slept with in quite a long time.

I was doing some last-minute cleaning when Margie approached me. She had a funny look on her face, and I knew she was about to ask me something. She was a very curious girl. I always encouraged her to ask questions because it was a great way for her to expand her young mind.

“Daddy, why are you cleaning so much on Sunday?” she said the word “Sunday” like it was meant to be the lazy day of the week and that cleaning shouldn’t even be discussed on a day like that.

“Because my special friend is coming over to meet you, and I want the house to look extra nice for her,” I said.

“Daddy, is she your girlfriend?” she asked in the blunt way only children can.

I was taken off guard. I had no idea she even knew that word. She was only four. I laughed to brush off the awkward silence that was hovering over us. I studied her face for any signs that she might be upset. When I was satisfied that she didn’t look upset, I answered her question with, “You shouldn’t know anything about that yet. Where did you learn that word?”

I went back to drying the dishes and putting them away. It was amazing how much work I had put into the house today. I never cleaned this much, and I didn’t really know what that meant for me.

“Cause, there’s a boy at school that said he wants to date me. He wants me to be his girlfriend,” she said matter-of-factly. I almost dropped the glass I was holding.

I laughed uncomfortably and put the cup away before I actually broke it. This time, I laughed because I wasn’t really sure what to say. I didn’t think this kind of thing would happen until at least fifth grade, if not later.

“You need to stay away from boys. Boys are something you shouldn’t be worrying about right now. Or ever. They are bad news. Believe me.”

“But what if a boy wants to be my friend?” she asked in a serious tone.

“That’s okay. If he just wants to be your friend, but you shouldn’t let any boy be your boyfriend right now.”

“But what if he’s cute?” she asked.

I stopped what I was doing. I wasn’t really sure how to process this information. She was already thinking boys were cute? But I had to admit that I did have a “girlfriend” in pre-k. But that was different because I was a little boy, and everyone knows how horrible males are at dating. At least when it came to being a teenager and going through puberty. I would hope the little boys weren’t bad at this age, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were.