I nodded my head and sat in one of the waiting chairs. There were a few magazines on the table. I picked up a “People” magazine just for shits and giggles. I wasn’t the kind to care about celebrities, but I needed something to do while I waited.

“Okay, Becca. Sounds good. I’ll see you Monday at three,” I heard Anna say before she hung up the phone.

“Hey. Thank you for coming,” she said as she walked over to me. She seemed nervous, and it made her even more adorable. I loved when she got nervous around me. It made me think there was a chance for us, that maybe she had feelings for me too.

“You’re welcome. Is everything okay?” I asked.

She laughed, and I realized how much I missed her laugh. From the time we met, it was my favorite thing about her.

“Yeah. Now, please hear me out before you freak out. This is going to sound super weird.”

“Okay,” I said slowly. Now I was even more intrigued than before.

She sat down in the chair next to me. It seemed like she was getting more and more nervous. She took a breath and said, “So, I just found out my parents are coming to town.”

“That’s cool.” I didn’t know if this had to do with what she wanted to talk to me about or if she was trying to make small talk.

“Yeah, I guess,” she said. Her leg bounced as she spoke.

“Something tells me you aren’t happy about this news,” I said.

She shook her head and grimaced, “So, they have this thing. Well, it’s mostly my mother. She has this thing she does… where she bugs me about why I’m not settled down yet.” Anna looked at me nervously. “I’m sorry this is so weird.”

I placed my hand on her leg to let her know that I wasn’t bothered. I smiled and said, “It’s okay. Just tell me.”

She closed her eyes as she said, “Will you pretend to be my boyfriend while they are in town?” Then she opened her eyes again and continued, “I was thinking in return, I could give you free massages. As many as you want, each week.”

“You don’t look like the type of girl that would have to pretend to have a boyfriend,” I said.

She blushed. “I know this is really awkward, and I’m sorry for springin

g this on you like this.”

“Don’t be sorry. I’ll do it. I was just making an observation,” I said with a smile. I wanted her to be less nervous.

A big smile spread across her face. “Really?” she asked with excitement in her eyes.

“Yeah, it sounds like it could be fun,” I said with a wink.

“Thank you, Justin. You won’t regret saying yes. I promise.”

She looked so gorgeous when she got excited. It reminded me of the way she looked at me before my fight last weekend. When I looked up in the stands and made eye contact with her, she was just as excited. She really was an amazing woman. I was excited to help her with her parents. Pretending to be her boyfriend would allow me to spend more time with her. Plus, I couldn’t help but think something more might come of it.

“And I promise you won’t regret asking me. I feel pretty honored actually,” I said with a laugh.

“Well good because I don’t ask just anyone to play my fake boyfriend,” she said.

We sat quietly for a moment. It didn’t feel awkward. It was a comfortable silence before she asked, “How was your fight?”

I took a deep breath. “I lost.” I wasn’t about to go into detail with her about the bet I made, especially not after the favor she just asked me. I didn’t want to ruin anything that might happen between us.

“You look tense,” she said. “Do you want a massage now? I don’t have any more clients today. I cleared my schedule so I could talk to you.” Her smile was a little shy, yet I could sense her confidence.

“That would be amazing,” I said as I followed her into the massage room.

I couldn’t help the excitement that was flooding through my body. After my big loss the other night, I needed a massage. I couldn’t wait to feel Anna’s hands against my skin again.

I stripped down to my boxers. I did it every time in front of her. For some reason, it never made me nervous. Maybe it was because I was sexually attracted to her, and it just added to the atmosphere.