
I rolled over on the bed and looked at Elijah, the sea breeze flooded through the open windows and the sun shone through the fine white curtains. I had always wanted to visit Greece and Elijah had made that dream come true for me.

“Good morning Sleepy,” I said to Elijah as I shook his body.

“What time is it?” he asked.

“Ten in the morning, we have to get up and get out. Come on,” I said as I shook him again.

“Relax Kendall, the ruins have been here for thousands of years. They’ll be here for another couple of hours?” he said laughing into his pillow.

I picked up my pillow and hit him over the head. Elijah quickly sat up and swiped his pillow against me. We were happy and had one hell of a pillow fight, what could be better? We fought more, and Elijah finally rolled me onto the bed, He stared deeply into my eyes as we regained our breath.

“Kendall, I just want to say, I love you so much. I hope I can make you very happy,” he said.

“You already make me feel like I’m the luckiest girl in the world,” I replied.

We readied ourselves and headed out and visited all of the ruins for the afternoon. I was in Heaven. It had always been my dream to be amongst all of the ancient ruins, how the Greek gods of men pleased their women.

We stood amongst the stone columns which had been hand carved and had indeed stood there for thousands of years. I posed for photos with my long blonde hair flowing over my shoulder. I felt like Aphrodite the Greek goddess who was well known to be able to entice both men and the gods to her to fulfill her carnal pleasures. Elijah truly was my Greek god, and he had pleasured me on more than one occasion since we had been in Greece.

We had ventured around, and the heat had become unbearable, so we decided to head back to the hotel and spend the remainder of the afternoon relaxing by the pool.

I laid on a lounge chair and basked in the late afternoon sun, my skin ever so slightly going darker and would lea

ve me with a golden glow.

“We are going to a special dinner tonight, so we need to dress up,” Elijah said just before he dove into the swimming pool.

“Where are we going?” I asked as soon as he came up.

Elijah knew I hated surprises yet he wouldn’t tell me our destination. I laid there and watched him swim and tried to think where he could be taking me.

“You will see later,” he replied, a smile on his handsome face. He had something up his sleeves for sure, but he wasn’t going to divulge anything. I could tell. I was stuck wondering about all of it for the rest of the afternoon. It was naughty of him, but I figured I would make him pay later. I giggled at the thought.

The sun started to dip toward the horizon, and we returned to the coolness of our hotel suite. We had a few hours before we had to go on our secret date, so we cuddled together on the crisp white bedsheets.

We chatted about the life we had left at home while we were on vacation and how everything that had gone on over the past two years. Elijah had not recalled much of his memory, and he was happy to remain this was as he said that had gone and he only looked toward the future, and a future he wanted with me by his side.

We got dressed and ventured into the cool evening air as we headed to our secret date. We walked toward the beach and across the beach front, I held onto Elijah’s arm as we walked. We stood and gazed toward the ocean, the darkness broken by the crashing of the waves and the final parts of the sun as it slowly set.

We could see all the happy couples who had journeyed here for either vacations or honeymoons, they all looked happy, and I had thoughts of one day being one of them. That could end what would so far be my perfect vacation.

I could see up ahead there was something going on. I thought Elijah had decided a meal on the beach would be special, but as we approached, I could see there were many tables.

“I thought that was for us,” I said as we neared the tables. “There are way too many tables out here. Maybe we can find a quiet, more secluded part of the beach to spend the evening on?” I gave him the cutest pouty face I could muster.

“You’re right, baby. There are too many tables. Come on, let's stand on the beach for a few minutes,” he replied and grabbed my hand. We walked down to the beach and he smiled down at me. “Have I told you how beautiful you look? How you make my heart beat fast and my body ache for far more than I’ve ever ached for before?”

I smiled up at him. “Are you trying to butter me up? Do you want something? Just ask if you do. You know I’ll give you anything you want.”

“And if I just want you?” He pulled me closer and wrapped a strong arm around my shoulders.

“Then you get that, too.” I smiled. “You already have me. And you will. Forever.”

We stood on the beach and watched the sun as it got lower and lower. The scenery was beautiful, the rocks broke from the sea, and the sand was lit by the final remnants of the setting sun. In my mind, I thought this would be the ideal location for any loving couple to take state their love for each other or take their vows.

“Kendall, have I ever told you how much you mean to me?” Elijah started to say.