“Go on, Dear, what’s it you were going to say?” Mom asked.

“Well, I have had meetings with my own personal lawyer, Mr. Rodenberry. I gave him instructions to investigate something, and to see what the implications would be,” I said as I looked at Kendall and smiled.

They all listened intently.

“He came back with positive answers to my question. So, as soon as the paperwork has been signed, both you and Peter will be partners in the company. On top of that, I have instructed my bank to take whatever money is in my personal account and split it three ways,” I explained.

I could see both mom and Peter both sat in shock. I had just given them what they deserved and had deserved for all these years. I had checked everything, and the difference it would make to me was negligible.

“Are you serious Elijah, this is a big thing?” Peter asked.

“Of course, I’m serious, you took care of me when I was younger so now it’s payback time from me to you,” I said.

“I don’t know what to say. It’s just too much to take in,” Peter said.

“Neither of you has anything which needs to be said, I wanted to put things right, and I hope this goes some way to actually doing it,” I said. “Oh, and Peter, there’s one more thing.”

“What could top what you have just done?” Peter asked.

“The choice is up to you, but if you want it, there is a chair at the company for you,” I said.

“You mean work together?” Peter asked, his eyes filled with unshed tears.

“That is exactly what I mean, who better than you to help manage that monster that has been created,” I said as I hugged Peter.

“Thank you, Elijah, you are a true brother and a true friend,” he whispered.

I turned around. I could see both mom and Kendall were in tears of happiness, it was a lot for both of them to take in, Mom had just found out she had become a multi-millionaire and Kendall was overjoyed at what I had just accomplished.


We headed back toward home and made the long drive back.

“You know, today has been a good day, if not a real eye-opener,” Kendall said.

“It had to be done, it was only right, they deserve what’s rightfully theirs,” I said.

“Tell me one thing though,” Kendall asked.

“Shoot, ask anything you want,” I answered.

“Your Lawyer, Mr. Rodenberry, he called while you were off with your accident, what was this about?” Kendall asked.

“I won’t lie, I asked him to check Peter’s background for any dirty information, but don’t ask why, that I don’t know,” I replied.

“Did he find anything?” Kendall asked.

“Not a thing, he didn’t even know that Peter was gay,” I replied.

We arrived home and relaxed on the couch after the long drive.

“You know Elijah, I’m so proud of what you have done today, it must have been hard to decide?” she asked.

“It was an easy decision, believe me,” I replied.

“I’m sure you could never be like you father, you are the perfect man,” she said. “No, let me re-phrase that, you are my perfect man.”
