Kendall coughed and had to fight to keep her toast in her mouth. “What, we are going to see her today? Crap and double crap. I thought it was next week,” she said.

“I just said that as I knew you would worry too much, today, is the big day,” I said as I smiled.

“Can’t we just go to work instead,” Kendall asked.

“It’s okay, work is doing just fine without us, our shares have risen over 20 percent in the last few weeks since we took on that large online store,” I said.

“I know the company is doing well, but visiting your mom is a major issue, what if she doesn’t like me?” Kendall asked.

“Kendall, have you not realized, there is no one who doesn’t like you, you are the friendliest person in the world. Anyway, she’s not as bad as your mom. She may be a little nervous also. Don’t forget I have only just started to speak to her myself,” I replied.

“This breakfast is fantastic by the way. You will make someone a good husband one day,” she said with a giggle.

“Yes, put me out of my misery. If you find a good woman, let me know,” I replied laughing.

“So, Mr. Perfect, you going to get ready or not? The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get it out of the way,” Kendall said as she laughed from the stairs.

I finished washing the dishe

s and headed upstairs. I slipped off my robe and joined Kendall in the shower.

“I’ll soap your back, and that is it. I’m just about finished,” she said as she smiled at me and flicked water into my face. “You arrived too late.” She got out from the shower.

We readied ourselves and headed out on the long drive to my mother’s. It would take us quite a while, so we went in the four-wheel drive for the extra comfort. We finally arrived at suburb where my mom lived, we turned into the street, and I could see that Kendall was busy looking at all the houses.

“I was thinking your mom would be in a house larger than these?” she said.

“No, when I said they got nothing from the will, I meant they got nothing,” I said.

“And Peter is the same as this?” she asked.

“Yes, he’s the same. So, you can see why I’m not proud of what I did, or the situation,” I replied.

“I’m sure you can make it all right,” Kendall said as she took hold of my arm.

“Well that is what I’m hoping to do,” I replied as we approached the door.

Mom opened the door, and we entered into the living room. Mom went into the kitchen and returned with a jug of freshly made lemonade and placed it on the table. She was just about to sit, and someone knocked at the door.

“Look who has just arrived,” mom said as she walked into the living room with Peter. “What a surprise.”

I looked at Peter and smiled. I had planned this as it had been too long since we had sat as a family. I could see the happiness on mom's face that we had after years been reunited.

“First things first. Mom, this is Kendall, and Kendall this is my mom, and Peter you already know,” I said.

“Hello Dear, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I have heard so much about the good things you have done for Elijah,” she said.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Kendall said as she smiled at mom and placed her hand on hers.

I looked at mom and could see she was holding back the tears, there had been many years of pain while Dad was alive, and from me also, once he had died. It had not been easy for either of them, and I was just about to drop a bombshell on them that neither of them would realize.

“Now, I have some news that may come as a shock to both of you,” I said to Mom and Peter. “So I hope you are both sitting comfortably?” I asked.

“What’s it Dear, nothing bad I hope, have you heard something from the doctors?” she asked.

“Not at all, it’s nothing like that. In fact, it’s very good news, and it’s something that should have been done a very long time ago, or should I say, putting something right that should have never happened in the first place,” I explained.

I looked at everyone, and they all sat confused, not even Kendall had an idea what I was about to say.