“Here we are,” I said as we turned to where my mother lived.

“Wow, cool house, but isn’t it a bit large just for her?” Elijah asked.

“Nah, she’s a dynamo when it comes to cleaning, and she enjoys the space, she hates to be confined in small rooms,” I replied.

We got out of the car as Elijah took a few deep breaths of country air, “This air smells clean, I’m now ready, let’s do this,” he said as he took my hand.

We walked up the drive and knocked on the front door. I could hear mom as she unlocked the door and poked her head through the gap.

“Hello, who is there?” she asked.

I looked at Elijah and his confused expression.

“Come on mom, let us in will you?” I said.

“Of course, Dear, I’m just playing, us old people can still have a little fun you know,” she said.

“A nice place you have here, and it’s very spacious,” Elijah said as he bit on his top lip.

“I did it all myself,” Mom replied.” I even did the decorating.”

“No way, that is so cool,” Elijah said as he cast his eyes around the living room.

Mom had actually done the whole house herself, apart from some of the bigger jobs. She had lots of time on her hands, and she was always keen on learning new things.

“I offer discounts to friends and family on interior design,” Mom said to Elijah as he examined the woodwork.

“I’ll keep that in mind for next time,” he said as he turned and joined me on the couch.

“I see you two are getting close then?” Mom aimed at Elijah.

“Yes, I like you daughter very much. She has been a great help to me since I had my accident,” Elijah explained.

“She told me you were a complete dick before.”

“Mom, do you have to?” I said quickly.

“No, it’s alright, your mom has her opinion. I’m not proud of the fact that I was a complete dick before,” Elijah answered.

“I have spent weeks not liking you Elijah, and it’s only Kendall who has convinced me otherwise,” Mom said.

“Yes, she has that effect on people, she convinced me I was wrong about myself, and I’m so glad and happy she stood by her decision,” Elijah said in honesty.

“I taught her well. I always told her to be true to herself, even if she was wrong. You have to stand by your choices,” Mom said.

“I couldn’t agree with you more, that is the way I look at things. Sometimes there’s a wrong choice, but this helps to make you the person you are, so it’s no good dwelling on the past, just learn from your mistakes I say,” Elijah said.

“Dear God, that is exactly what I had said to Kendall, have you read my book?” Mom said.

“You wrote a book?” Elijah asked.

“Of course not. I’m just joking again,” Mom replied with a chuckle.

“So, then Elijah, tell me what your plans are with my daughter…”

“I have to take things slow. I’ve learned so much about myself in such a short time, and there is no way I want to go back to the person I was before. I admit, I may have some rough days if my memory comes back, but with Kendall’s help, I’m sure I can get through it,” Elijah explained.

“I see, so you see this as a long-term relationship then?” Mom asked Elijah.