“I would normally say, ‘no,’ I’m not going, but ‘hell yes,’ it could be just what I need to keep me occupied and busy then I have no way of moping about the house,” I said as I perked myself up a little.

“So where do you want to go? “Mandy asked.

“That my dear, I’ll leave entirely up to you, just surprise me,” I replied.

“Uhuh, I’ll decide, just wear something sexy, I know nothing will happen, don’t worry, but it doesn’t hurt to look good. You can just be some eye candy for the night and make the most of it,” she said beaming a wide smile.

Mandy was right and going out seemed like a good idea, I had not been out since before Elijah had his accident and most of my focus had been on him. God, it showed how much I had fallen for him, and now, he had put a stop to all that.

“This will be fun, window shopping for men, just how long is it since we did that? God, it must be years,” Mandy said as she stood from the couch.

“Well my dear Mandy, I should be getting home, Bo is home alone, and he will be worried where I’m,” I said as I stood up and started to walk to the door.

“Give me a hug,” Mandy said as she squeezed me tightly. “I’m just trying to see if there is any more information in there you forgot to tell me.”

“Honest, there is no more, nada, nothing, zilch, zero,” I said.

“Yup, I get the idea. You’re just a dumb blonde,” Mandy said in a fit of laughter.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, butthole. I’ll be here at 8 to 8:30, make sure you are ready,” I said as I climbed into my car. I watched Mandy as I reversed down her drive, she turned and skipped toward the front door.

Damn, that woman needs to get out more often, I think to myself.

I headed home and entered the house. It was just Bo and me again, my faithful friend and supposedly my protector, maybe he would lick an intruder to death.

As I curled up to Bo on the couch, I gave him his instructions, “Bo, if any man tries to enter the house, you have my full permission to bite them, alright, Bo?” I looked at Bo’s face, “Bo, did you hear me?”

Chapter Thirty-Five


I had taken on board everything that Gates had said at the bar and had decided to go to Kendall’s house and try and put everything right. I quickly showered and got dressed. I looked at the clock, and it was just after six pm. I had decided to go around to her house and have a good talk with her about everything that had happened and everything that I had said.

As I drove I planned what I was going to say. I didn’t want to over-complicate things, I just wanted to lay out the facts and had in my mind reckoned it should take around 20 minutes, for everything I had to say, to be explained.

Kendall wouldn’t appreciate me coming out with any bullshit, so I just had to be just as natural as I could, and only explain the clear facts about what she knew had influenced my actions.

I left my home and headed toward Kendall’s house. I prayed she was in and had not gone out anywhere. I rounded the corner and approached her driveway, and as I looked at the house, I could see that the upstairs light had just been turned off, so I knew she was at home. What went through my mind as I approached the driveway was her reaction, what would she think of me turning up without calling ahead first? This worried me, she could slam the door in my face, or she could give me the chance to explain myself fully.

I parked the car and started to walk up the driveway toward the house. As I approached, I could hear Bo barking and Kendall telling him to be quiet. I knocked on the door and waited for the door to open. Finally, I heard the lock open, and the door opened slightly. Kendall poked her head around the door.

“Elijah, what are you doing here?” she said as she opened the door widely.

I could see Kendall was dressed ready to go out, she stood wearing a blue dress and high heels, she looked gorgeous, and it ran through my mind I had indeed made a mess of things and missed my chance with her.

“I’m sorry, I see you are going out, I’ll come back another time,” I said as I started to turn back toward my car.

“No, don’t be silly, come inside,” she replied as she pulled on my arm.

I entered the hallway and Bo was sat on the floor wagging his tail, “Bo, I told you to bite any man who entered this house,” Kendall said to Bo as she ruffled the hair on his head.

“Hi Bo, how are you doing, have you been taking good care of your mom?” Kendall looked at me and smiled.

“Present company exempted,” she said as she smiled.

“What I wanted to say…” Kendall ushered me into the living room.

“So, as you were saying,” she said.