“Tell me what?” she replied.

“You are gonna kill me!” I said with

a grin.

“Don’t you dare say you have forgotten to tell me something Kendall,” she said.

I nodded my head, “Yup, I have forgotten to tell you something, and it’s something major,” I said sheepishly.

“You’re not pregnant?” Mandy asked.

“Hell no, what do you take me for. Anyway there is no chance of that for a long time,” I replied.

“Why the hell not? I thought you guys were banging till the early hours, at every possible chance,” she said in a fit of giggles.

“Not anymore,” I replied.

“Huh, what do you mean? Mandy asked highly confused.

“Well, after I left here on Sunday, Elijah was waiting for me at home. He explained all about his trip to his mother and out of the blue. He ended us, just like that,” I explained to a shocked Mandy.

“No freaking way, you mean he dumped you?” she said.

“Sort of, yes, he said it was because he didn’t want to hurt me,” I said.

“So, what about work and all that stuff, it must be awkward now, not dating and working in the same place? Surely you now have to look for another job?” she said as she quizzed me.

“I’m not working there anymore, Elijah got me a job with Peter, and I have been there since Wednesday,” I said as I waited for the backlash.

“Damn you, girl. I’m gonna kill you. There is so much you have not told me. The biggest thing in your life happens and you forget to tell me? Your best friend? What the hell?” she asked with a giggle.

“I have just been too busy and pre-occupied to call you, with starting a new job, speaking to Mom and other things. I’m not sure where the time has gone this week,” I said as I slumped on the couch.

“So how have you been since all this shit happened?” Mandy asked me, “Did you get all emotional on his ass?” Mandy asked.

“To be honest, I never had the chance, one minute he was there and then one minute he was gone,” I explained. “He just got in his car and drove off as if nothing had happened.”

“What about your emotions? How have they been?” Mandy said.

“I have been alright, apart from Wednesday. I have been busy with Peter, and have not thought much of it until today when Peter asked me how I was coping with it,” I said. “It has been the night times that have been the worst for me when. When it’s quiet, and I’m just curling up with Bo.”

“Well damn you girl for not telling me, but forget all that, and I’ll not even tell you I told you so, I reckon your mom let you know that part well enough,” Mandy said.

“You know her too well, and she did make quite a few points about reminding me she was right,” I said.

“So, there is no sign of Elijah on the cards now then?” Mandy asked. “I just have to get it clear.”

“Correct, he’s totally out of the picture,” I replied.

“And, what about dating, obviously, you have no plans yet?” Mandy asked.

“Damn, give me a chance. I have only just pulled my panties up, and you are asking if I’m considering dropping them again?” I giggled.

“Well, you have to be sure you know. You have to get back on the horse and all that,” she replied.

“So why are you asking anyway?” I said.

“Tomorrow night, we are going out, out. It has been too long since we hit the town just you and me,” she said excitedly.