“Dear, time is a great healer, you may never forget, but any pain you feel will lessen over time. So, just put it behind you as an experience that you can learn from in the future when you are ready,” she explained.

“Well, I should get off the phone. I have taken up enough of you time for today. I want just to sit and go through my thoughts for a while,” I said.

“Yes, Dear, keep me updated and look after yourself,” she said.

“Bye, Mom,” I said as I hung up the phone.

I curled up on the couch with Bo and thought of everything, and no matter what everyone said about Elijah I couldn’t see this in him, I knew he was different, and there was just a convoluted reason behind his decision. I had found him a good man and his action wasn’t his true self, it wasn’t him going back to his old ways, even if it appeared that way, it was just that he didn’t want to continue hurting anyone. And if he did regain all his thoughts and return to the self-centered prick that he used to be, I would have made him change!

The more I sat and thought, the more I wished things had worked out differently between us, I knew we could have had a future together. I also considered how much had been influenced by his conversation with his mother.

I cuddled closer to Bo and rested my head, deep in my mind, I was sure that everything would turn out just fine.

Chapter Thirty-Three


It was Friday morning and opened my eyes, I spent the past couple of days at the office and looked at an empty desk where Kendall used to sit. I had enough of it and had to become distracted for a while. I decided to go for a drive so my mind would become clear.

Apparently, last time I did this, I had been on my bike, and that was how my accident happened, so this time I thought it safer if I took one of the cars. I showered and got dressed into something that was ideal for driving in and then headed downstairs for breakfast. I blocked any thoughts from my mind apart from a day of driving, and the open road that would help me forget.

I climbed inside the Porsche and headed out into the country, if I had any way to clear my mind, a drive around the mountains in a Porsche would do it.

The garage doors closed and I slowly headed down the driveway. I had no clear direction which to go, so I headed north toward the outskirts of town. I drove through the tight and twisty roads as they sliced between the trees, the car was glued to the floor the faster I went. My mind cleared as I concentrated on the road in front of me.

My mind just focused on the road, and I drove, the road markings blended into one as I drove on and on. I cruised along the highway and turned off and headed toward the far side of town. I looked at no street signs or landmarks and had not looked to see where I was, or where I was heading until a light flashed up on the dashboard.

I glanced at the fuel gauge and could see I needed gas, so I slowed and drove until I could see a garage in the distance. I filled the car with gas and could see a bar over the road and decided to get something to drink while I was there.

I parked the car and walked into the bar, the jukebox blasted out “Boxcar Willie, ” and I noticed a sea of Stetsons scattered around the various tables, the whole place looked like a scene from an old western movie. I headed toward the bar and waited for the waitress to come and serve me.

I glanced around the bar as I waited, and could see the walls were decorated with stuffed animals and vehicle plates. It was like time had stood still, and had just been a place frequented by old lost souls and cowboys who were hanging on before heading to the big rodeo in the sky.

As the waitress walked in my direction, I noticed an old man dressed in black sat a few stools away from me.

“Hi, there,” I said as I saluted him.

“Hi there, Sonny, chat car sure is pretty Mr.,” he said as he sipped his beer.

“Why thanks, it’s quite a handful to drive, especially on the country roads, that, I can tell you, but it’s great fun,” I said.

The waitress arrived, and I ordered a light beer, I didn’t want to drink and drive because it was too much of a risk, and I didn’t really feel like drinking alone.

“You want a drinking partner?” I asked the old man. “My treat.”

“I don’t mind if I do,” he replied as he tipped his hat to me, and moved across to me by a couple of seats.

The waitress handed my beer and passed the glass of sour mash to the old guy. “That car expensive?” he quizzed.

“It is, but I was left quite a bit of money from my dad when he died, and that was one of my vices. I did recently find out though, my mother and brother received nothing from the will, so I have to do some serious thinking to do.

“So, what brings you back this way then Sonny? I never thought I would cast my eyes on you ever again.” he asked.

I looked confused, he just sounded like he knew me, but I had no recollection of him or this place. Had I been here before or was he someone related to work who I had done business with?

“I’m sorry, do I know you? I don’t recognize you.” I sat there confused.

“Sort of, you were here before, but you are different this time. Last time you were a complete jerk. You were so full of yourself, and pig-ignorant,” he said.