“Hi Mandy, how are you on this fine Sunday afternoon?” I asked.

“You know, a day of just chilling and taking it easy.”

“How are you and what news do you bring for me?” she asked.

I grabbed Bo and walked toward the front door, “I have quite a bit to tell you,” I said.

We walked to the house and sat on the couch. I noticed that Bo had already made himself comfortable on the big armchair.

“So, what’s the big news?” Mandy returned to the living room with a tray of coffee and cookies.

I picked up a cup and took a sip, “Well, Elijah and I are getting on really well,” I said.

“I see, and this is your lots of news, then is it?” Mandy asked.

“Damn, you have caught me out, I just have news about my personal relationship and love life, it’s plain and dull,” I said as I laughed.

“Nah, cut the crap and be serious, tell me all about it,” Mandy asked as she dunked her cookie in her coffee.

“Well on Tuesday, no sorry on Monday, Elijah came to the office and said he had a flashback about his dad hitting his brother when he was younger. He slept most of the day in his office. So, I called Peter about it, and he wanted me to divert Elijah's mind from thinking of these flashbacks,” I said as I sipped my coffee.

“Go on,” Mandy asked as her cookie fell into her coffee. “Crap.”

I giggled and then continued, “Well on Tuesday I got to Elijah's house early, and had a load of groceries with me, so I cooked him breakfast. I took him to the fair for the day. It was great fun, and he won me a teddy bear, but I gave it to a small kid whose dad couldn’t win her anything,” I explained.

“Ah, the fair. It brings back memories of dating for me,” Mandy said as she cuddled herself and laughed. “That and greasy food and having a stomach ache from hell. But it’s all good, right? You take the good and the bad.”

I laughed. “Well, we went on all the scary rides like a roller coaster, and I gripped his arm, and we got real close. The last ride we went on was the Ferris Wheel, and I snuggled close to his chest as he held me tight,” I explained as my heart opened.

“It sounds more like my school days the more you go on,” she replied.

“Well, the day got better, and by the time we got back to his house, it had started to pour with rain, so we had a rain shower… and got totally soaked,” I said as I smiled to myself as I thought about it.

“And then you will tell me you got naked and he fucked you right there and then?” Mandy said with a glint in her eye.

“No, don’t be crude, it wasn’t like that. We dressed in bathrobes and chatted while we drank hot cocoa,” I explained.

“It gets more interesting. There has to be more?” Mandy asked as she curled her legs up on the couch.

“Well, one thing led to another, and let me just say the bathrobes fell open, and we ended up in bed,” I said as warmth flood over me. “So, I stayed over.”

“You dirty girl you!” Mandy said laughed out loud. “So, how was it? Is he, you know… big?”

“No details, silly girl. I’ll just tell you that he was beyond satisfying,” I said as I smiled and winked at Mandy.

“Come on. There has to be more?” Mandy asked in disappointment.

“I stayed over on Friday as well, and this time Bo was with us, which seemed strange because he used to hate dogs,” I said.

“So, what did you get up to yesterday?” Mandy asked.

“We went to Niagara Falls and had lunch, and took loads of photos,” I said. “We returned to his house, and you know, I stayed over again.”

“I wondered why you were wearing baggy clothes. I just thought you had decided to rough it up a bit. So, by my calculations, you have been ravaged by him three times this week,” Mandy said and wagged her eyebrows.

“Oh yes, and three very nice times they were thank you very much,” I said as I giggled.

“Now Kendall, I know you have gotten close to him, but you should still be careful, don’t forget he’s still in a state where he has no memory, and his mind will be fragile for a while yet,” Mandy said as she looked concerned.