“So, you didn’t enjoy yourself last night then?” I asked as I put my arms around Kendall’s waist.

“As Simon Cowell would say, ‘It wasn’t good,’” she replied with her poker face. “It was fantastic.”

“The fair maiden doth jest,” I replied as I grabbed a piece of toast.

“Cut the Shakespeare. Next, you will be spouting Romeo and Juliet,” Kendall said in a fit of laughter.

“Enough said, no more talk of literary greats, or indeed Simon Cowell,” I replied as I sipped on my coffee.

“So, how are you gonna play it with your mother?” Kendall asked as she leaned toward me on the table.

“To be honest, I can just respond to her. She has all the information, so I have nothing to say really. I hope what she tells me is true,” I replied.

“Hum, a good point, I never thought of that, but she would be a horrible person if she didn’t,” Kendall answered.

“That would be a woman who was full of resentment, that’s for sure,” I said as I wiped my mouth on a napkin.

“Well, I should be getting ready, I promised I would go over to Mandy’s house today, I have not seen her for a few days,” Kendall said as she stood and headed back to the stairs.

I heard the shower running, and after a while, Kendall came back downstairs in a pair of my jogging pants and a sweatshirt.

“Is it okay if I borrow these, I don’t want to wear those stinky things from yesterday. Oh, and I borrowed a pair of your shorts,” she said as she lowered the jogging pants to flash my shorts at me.

“No problem, as long as you have left a pair for me,” I replied with a smile for my girl.

“Have you seen how many pairs you have? There are hundreds,” she replied as she walked toward the kitchen door and called Bo.

“So, you are off then and leaving me all alone,” I said in a false upset tone.

“You’ll be fine. A big grown-up man like you,” she said as she tugged on my robe collar and gave me a kiss. “Good luck anyway. I’ll speak to you later.”

I stood in the doorway and watched as she headed down the driveway. Once she had gone out of view, I headed upstairs and readied myself.

I arrived at my mother’s house and could feel my body as it shook with nerves, Peter said it had been a long time since we had spoken and we always ended up arguing when I left. I looked at the house and wondered why it had not been larger? It was just the same as Peter, he only lived in a modest home and showed no signs of the family he came from.

I walked up the driveway and rang the doorbell. I waited a few moments, and the door slowly opened.

“Mom, it’s me, Elijah,” I said.

“You better come in,” she replied.

She showed me to the living room, and I sat on the couch and waited for her to come back from the kitchen with coffee for the both of us.

“So, Peter says you were in an accident?” She asked

“I was, and I lost my memory, even now I don’t know a lot,” I replied as clasped my hands and placed them on my knees.

“Peter told me of your accident and your condition, and I could say you deserved it, yet, I won’t, I’ll reserve judgment,” she replied.

“It seems stupid, but it feels strange to call you mom. I didn’t even know Peter or myself after the accident,” I explained.

“Well that has happened and no point dwelling on it. I take it you have questions?”

“Well yes, it has been bugging me since Peter told me, why did we not talk or have a good relationship before?” I asked.

“Well Elijah, it all happened because I was stupid, and you had become caught in the middle of it. Even now it’s difficult for me to explain so bear with me,” she said as tears welled up in her eyes.

“Go on. Take your time,” I said as I leaned forward to listen.