“Okay, Mom will do,” I said.

“Bye Dear.”

“Bye Mom, love you,” I said as I hung up the phone.

“Well Bo, it’s just you and me. Mom was a little pissed about it, but you will see, it’s not all bad,” I said to Bo.

I texted Elijah and told him I was on my way, and that my mom had delayed me on the phone. Bo and I jumped in the car and slowly headed to Elijah’s house.

We arrived at Elijah’s house and pulled up in the driveway, Bo immediately set off around the garden and sniffed everything that he could find. He busied himself with cocking his leg and scented everything to show that it was his domain now.

“Good conversation I take it,” Elijah said from the kitchen door.

“You know, she went through the whole mother speech and how she was right and I would be wrong,” I explained. “Mothers know best, huh?”

“I can’t answer that, and at least you have a better relationship with your mother than I do with mine,” Elijah said as he leaned on the door to the kitchen, and shrugged his shoulders.

“She’s a great mom, and I know she only wants the best for me, she’s just being protective.” Bo walked around the lawn.

I walked toward Elijah, and he placed his arms around my shoulders. We stood and watched in silence as Bo continued to explore the garden, and after a while, Elijah pulled on my shoulder.

“Come on, lets get inside, it’s getting a bit warm out here,” he said as he retreated into the kitchen.

I called Bo and wiped his feet before he entered the house, the last thing I wanted was his huge paw prints all over the floor.

“Have you eaten?” Elijah asked.

“Yep, I had dinner earlier, I wasn’t sure and time was running away, so I grabbed something q

uick,” I replied.

“Well, I’m happy you and Bo decided to come, it’s an exciting experience for me, and probably for you two as well. Something new. You want a drink?” he asked as he turned his to me in his sexy jeans and t-shirt.

“Gin and tonic please, heavy on the tonic,” I replied.

“You’re not a lightweight, are you?” Elijah asked with a smile on his handsome face.

“No, not at all. I just have a few things on my mind, and I don’t want the gin to get in the way of them,” I replied.

“Ah, I see, you don’t want to numb the pain,” he said laughing as he passed me my drink.

“So, apart from enjoying my fantastic company, why did you ask me over tonight?” I quizzed.

“I just wanted to let you know about my conversation with Peter, it would help me to assimilate all of the new information I have learned today,” he explained.

“So, you just wanted a good pair of ears then?” I asked in a cheeky tone.

“Sort of, but you are much more than just a good listener, you can respond to the information and give me an unbiased opinion,” Elijah said as he sipped on his bourbon.

“So, how was the conversation with Peter?”

“Well, in a way it was shocking, but also enlightening,” he answered.

“Come on. Tell me all about it… right from the start,” I requested.

“To sum it all up, Dad was a raging alcoholic, who used to be quite abusive to all of us,” he said as his eyes filled with horror.

“My God, that is terrible!” I listened intently.