“So how was lunch?” she asked.

“There is too much to tell over the phone, but a lot was said, and Peter and I bonded a little more,” I said.

“That’s good to hear since the accident, you have been close, and there is no harm in getting closer to each other.”

“I agree with that, especially after what Peter told me today, he has been a real trooper in all of this,” I added.

“I take it you went straight home after your long lunch seeing as you never returned to the office?” she asked.

“Yeah, we got carried away with all that brotherly bonding stuff, and I learned a few facts today, a real eye opener it was.” Her voice made me feel safe.

“You will have to tell me all about it. It sounds really interesting,” she said.

“Well, that is the reason for me calling, do you want to come over tonight?”

“I would love to, but I’ll need to bring Bo. Otherwise he will be upset if I leave him alone again,” she replied.

“No, problem, bring him along, there is more than enough space for him here to run around, and it would be nice to see him again,” I said, happy about our arrangement for the night.

“Great, I’ll get my stuff together and see you in a while,” Kendall said.

“Bye for now, pretty girl. I’ll see you later,” I replied.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I was excited to be going to Elijah’s house, and I made up an overnight bag for Bo and for me. I had just thrown the bags in the car and returned to the house for Bo when the phone rang.

“Hello,” I said.

“Hi Kendall, it’s Mom.”

“I was just, I… it’s alright, what do you want?” I asked.

“I was just calling to see if you were coming to the house over the weekend?” It has been a while, and you did promise you were going to visit,” she added.

“I was going to, but something cropped up last minute. I have to go to Elijah. He needs me,” I explained.

“Kendall, what did I tell you? I thought you were well over this. You know he isn’t good for you,” she commented in a rough tone.

I hated to upset my mother, but she didn’t know how I felt about Elijah and how he felt about me, and it had gone past just a caring personal assistant who was helping a boss in need. We had clicked, and I could see there was chemistry between us, and not just when we had sex.

“Yes, I know what we discussed, but he’s different now, he’s good to me, the situation is totally different than it was before,” I replied trying to explain.

“Well, it may seem like that to you, but you know how he was, so there must still be part of that man inside of him somewhere,” Mom added, blind to my words.

“It’s just that we have, well we have gotten close, and it’s not forced, it all has happened naturally, it’s a great feeling. I have experienced anything like this before,” I said as I sat on the couch and hugged my big cushion.

“Kendall, Kendall, Kendall, I thought you were a lot smarter than this, relationships are not all fairy tales and unicorns, you know that. You have to think with your head and not just your heart,” Mom explained as I became more annoyed by her words.

Mom was right, but Elijah had not just whisked me off my feet and dated me in a normal way, the relationship had started from compassion and a caring attitude and from his side. And it had all stemmed from being grateful to me. This was different and not something you see in a movie or read in a book. Our relationship wasn’t a fairy tale, it was true, and it meant something to both of us.

I listened to what Mom had to say, but I started to get defensive because no matter what she said, I was fighting the notion that she was correct. I wanted the relationship to progress, and she wouldn’t change my mind. She had always told me to live by my choices. No matter what, either right or wrong and if the relationship did go belly up, I had to accept that I had been wrong.

“Mom, I should be going, I have packed all my bags, and the car is ready. I told Elijah I would be there soon and I have been over an hour now, he will be worried as it’s getting dark and I have to drive through the trees,” I commented.

“Okay, dear, do what you think is right, but just watch out for yourself, and don’t forget to think with your head,” she said.